
Vol. 26 Issue 51 10-16 May 2009

DAET, Camarines Norte--In the unfinished social hall of Camarines Norte State College, Budget Secretary Rolando Andaya Jr. told hundreds in this province that the country was weathering the effects of the global economic recession because of efficient fiscal policies, including the restructuring of value added tax system.

Andaya, the designated cabinet officer for regional development (CORD) for Bikol and former Camarines Sur representative, was in this province on Thursday for an information campaign on the global economic crisis.


MANILA, May 15 -- The Commission on Elections (Comelec) resumed on Friday the opening of the bids for the 2010 poll computerization project after granting on Wednesday the motions for reconsideration filed by four automation companies.

Atty. Ferdinand Rafanan, head of the Comelec's Special Bids and Awards Committee (SBAC), said they would try to finish the deliberations on the eligibility documents so that they can proceed immediately with the technical and financial documentations.


LEGAZPI CITY -- DENTAL AND MEDICAL Missions including relief distribution and engineering works are being conducted by units of the Philippine Army in the typhoon-stricken locality and surrounding villages of Hubo,  Magallanes in Sorsogon province, where 18 people had died and scores of dwellings lost  in destructive landslides.

The 901st Brigade, PA community relations office in Camp Simeon Ola here reported, that Dental and Medical missions including engineering works in the affected villages were conducted from May 7 to 13.


MANILA, May 14, 2009- Zero Waste activists, a prominent church leader, a distinguished public servant and pro-environment beauty titlists spoke as one in urging political parties and wannabees to think "green" as they woo the "pinoy" votes.

With just one year to go before the polls, Caloocan Bishop Deogracias Iñiguez, Jr. and Commission on Elections (Comelec) Commissioner Rene Sarmiento joined the EcoWaste Coalition and the Miss Earth Foundation in exhorting all election stakeholders to heed the plea for reduced campaign on waste and pollution.


NEW YORK, May 16 -- Crude prices retreated on Friday on the weak outlook for global energy demand.

The International Energy Agency forecast the global oil demand would hit a 28-year low this year, saying optimism about an economic recovery was not reviving appetite for energy.

The Paris-based organization cut the global daily energy demand to 83.2 million barrels per day in its latest monthly report, 3 percent lower than last year, and "the sharpest single year's fall since 1981."


SORSOGON CITY, May 15 (PNA) - Certain provisions of the Local Government Code of 1991 have been breached and thousands of poor families here would be groping in the dark.

This developed amidst non-receipt for the past 11 months of their royalty shares by the city and eight barangays that play host to a giant geothermal energy facility being operated by the Energy Development Corporation (EDC).


Naga City (May 11) - With the existing global financial crisis nowadays, the government found a way to mitigate its impact to our country through our very own nurses. The fact that more and more nurses migrate each year for higher salaries and more job opportunities also leads to the fact that many nursing graduates here in the Philippines remain to be either underemployed or unemployed.

The government has come up with a project, the Nurse Assigned in Rural Areas (NARS),


On May 11, ANC sponsored a “Leadership Forum” at the Ateneo de Manila University for prospective presidential candidates for the 2010 elections. Those who attended were Chiz Escudero, Dick Gordon, Ed Panlilio, Mar Roxas and Gilbert Teodoro.


NAGA CITY-Where the Naga and Bikol Rivers meet in Barangay Sabang, hook and line anglers gather from sunrise to sunset everyday to fish in the grayish black waters that have become not just cultural landmarks but also lifelines for the poor in Naga City.

One of those anglers is Roberto Magas, 35. He would come to the riverside at six o'clock the morning to catch fish for viand.


IRIGA CITY ---  The popular local ABS-CBN TV morning show MagTV na Oragon featured in its May 16 edition the University of Northeastern Philippines (UNEP) campus here, its various college departments, modern laboratories and facilities to give parents and students the opportunity to know the best courses the university offers and its tradition of academic excellence as a prestigious learning institution in the Bikol region.

This genuine desire to inform prospective students of UNEP's high quality of education was boosted when MagTV na Oragon hosts toured the campus.


Naga City (13 May) -- The National Youth Commission (NYC) invites youth organizations to join the 7th Search for Ten Accomplished Youth Organizations.

The search is open to all groups (school-based, parish-based and community-based youth organizations) composed of at least 15 members who are 15-30 years old. The basis for judging is the project entry conducted by the organization that shows the efforts of the youth in contributing to the improvement of their community.


THE GRAND OPENING of SM City in Naga has been an event that many people were anticipating with mixed feelings.  I was one of those who were waiting for the opening of the mall.  I was invited during the mall's blessing on April 30.


When I was a child I felt that it takes nothing to grow older to gain true freedom. I thought it was only a matter of age when I would be in the state of making decisions of my own. One day, when already adult, I would no longer obey to what is not mine. I would break free, would be independent in my thinking, in my judging, in my values and norms, in my decisions and in my doing. One day I would be free!


Last March, we wrote about the Naga City Mayor Jesse Robredo's "confidential expenses" worth Php1,420,500.00 of taxpayers' money, after Vox Bikol columnist Che Carpio subjected to scrutiny the city government's proud claim of transparency in its operations. Carpio had taken to task the city government's claim of transparency by tracking down a Commission on Audit report for 2007 which declared the existence of such an expense of the city mayor.


NAGA CITY --- Everyone here heaved a sigh of relief after the Research Institute of Tropical Medicine (RITM) based in Alabang, Muntinlupa City informed Naga City Mayor Jesse M. Robredo and City Health Officer Vito 'Butch' Borja Tuesday night that the medical examination and laboratory test conducted on the 4-year old child suspected to have acquired the dreaded Influenza A(HiN1) proved negative.


NEW DELHI, May 15 (PNA/Bernama) -- India has revealed that it has destroyed its chemical weapons stockpile, keeping its promise to the international community to completely eliminate its weapons by March this year.

The IANS (Indo-Asian News Service) reported that India informed the Hague-based Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) that it had destroyed its stockpile on March 26, fulfilling its obligation to the arms control agreement.


BANGKOK, Thailand, May 14, 2009--Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Bishop Francis Xavier Kriengsak Kovitvanit of Nakhon Sawan as the new archbishop of Bangkok.

The announcement was made on May 14 during which Pope Benedict XVI also accepted the resignation of Cardinal Michael Michai Kitbunchu of Bangkok.

Archbishop-elect Kriengsak was born on June 27, 1949, and was ordained a priest on July 11, 1976.


MY RECENT odysseys devoted to taking pictures of promotional materials of our esteemed trapoliticians have sidetracked me into a conclusion that I would have failed them if they were my students in a course on Typography. Or the other way around: I might have failed to open their minds and enrich their tastes on the looks and disposition of an excellent print design.


The big mall has arrived. The streets have been rerouted. A long strip divides the Panganiban Street and the word “coding” is introduced. People recalled the opening day: it was as if a blast has create a vacuum somewhere and people have been sucked into the chaos and crowd. The other department stores, they say, looked like abandoned lovers.

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