Church Leaders Blast Lozada Arrest
MANILA, May 1, 2009- Some bishops have blasted the recent arrest of Rodolfo "Jun" Lozada as "unacceptable" and Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) executive secretary Msgr Juanito Figura called it a "big blow to justice."
Figura who visited Lozada at the Manila Police District headquarters Friday morning said something is fundamentally wrong with the system of justice. "It appears to be selective justice, selective prosecution and selective framing of charges," he said.
"I see some shades of selective of justice which . . . according to the social teachings of the church is not a true justice," Figura also said.
The CBCP official added Lozada's perjury charges are more of a "personal concern" of his accuser, former presidential chief of staff Mike Defensor. Lozada was the whistleblower of the allegedly anomalous $329-million NBN deal with China's ZTE Corp. that was linked to First Gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo.
Figura said Lozada's case had very serious implications which would undermine the confidence of the public.
He clarified that his visit to Lozada was in his own capacity as a priest. "I visited him to express my support and assured him of my prayer without having been asked by any bishop," he said.
The church leader said he is praying that whatever Lozada will reveal in the prosecution will contribute to the CBCP's call for search for truth.
"I'm not saying that he holds the truth but I pray that whatever his testimonies he will give will contribute to our search for truth," he said.
Lozada earlier said that he would never post bail. He said he would stand by his claims as this was his way of protesting the "abuse" committed on him by the Arroyo administration.
He said the case against him was "Defensor's way of concealing the crimes allegedly committed by people related to Malacanang.
Lozada is currently detained at the MPD's cramped detention cell and may go on for several days until the Manila Metropolitan Trial Court Branch 26 issue a "produce order" directing the police to bring Lozada before the court for his arraignment rather than a "commitment order" which will give a go-signal for his transfer to the Manila City Jail.
MTC Branch 26 Judge George Lorredo, through a letter sent to MPD warrant and subpoena section Chief Inspector Rolando Balasabas last Thursday, ordered the cops to produce Lozada on May 7 to attend his arraignment. (Roy Lagarde)
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