Arroyo's SONA Failed to Impress CBCP Head

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

SONA Protest

SONA Protest

MANILA, July 27, 2009-The head of the Catholic bishops' leadership expressed dissatisfaction at President Arroyo's State of the Nation Address (SONA) Monday.

Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines president Archbishop Angel Lagdameo said the SONA did not stick with the truth when Arroyo described the state of the nation.

He said the SONA was a venue for the President to tell the people which of the country's problems should be prioritized in finding solutions.

"However, it was prepared only in order to build the image of the president and her administration," Lagdameo said.

During her 9th and last SONA, Arroyo said the state of the economy is the best proof of how her administration has led the country in the past 8 years.

She boasted that the economy saw unprecedented average growth rate, multiple increases in investments, largest job creation in history, and lowest total debt as a ratio of the domestic economy.

"Our economy posted uninterrupted growth for 33 quarters and more than doubled its size from $76 billion to $186 billion," said Arroyo.

"The average GDP growth from 2001 to the first quarter of 2009 is the highest in 43 years," she added.

But according to Lagdameo, economic boost doesn't mean GDP growth. He said it means "if your people have a good standard of living and if they are eating."

The outgoing CBCP head said it is undeniable that the country continues to reel from poverty and human rights violations.

Lagdameo also chided the security imposed while Arroyo was delivering her SONA at the Batasang Pambansa in Quezon City.

"It does not speak well of the presidency. It sends a message of fear and insecurity," he said.

The military and the police went on heightened alert on Friday as part of the security precautions being implemented for Arroyo's annual report.

Some 10,000 policemen were deployed Monday around Batasang Pambansa and other convergence points to ensure peace and order.

For his part, CBCP's Commission on Social Communications and Mass Media executive secretary Fr. Francis Lucas is concerned; he said Arroyo's SONA was full of "motherhood statements and statistics" but "lacked clarity."

Although he credited the administration for its infrastructure programs and the report on the country's Gross Domestic Product, "the grassroots still continue to struggle for much better lives." (Melo M. Acuna and Roy Lagarde)


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