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No to a Hero's Burial for Marcos

 Let justice be the ties that bind us as a nation:

No to a Hero’s Burial for Marcos!

CEAP Statement on House Resolution 1135


Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent- the LORD detests them both.

                                                                                                                                Proverbs 17:15

Last week, 216 members of the House of Representatives filed a resolution urging President Benigno S. Aquino III to allow the burial of former President Ferdinand E. Marcos at the Libingan ng mga Bayani (LNMB). In this resolution they said that “he was a well-decorated soldier, a veteran of World War II, and a survivor of the Bataan Death March.” They also noted that “he was the longest serving president of the republic and built the modern foundations of the Philippines.”  According to the signatories, Marcos “served his country the best way he knew how and remained a Filipino patriot to the end of his life and in death deserves to be honored as such.” They say that the burial of Mr. Marcos at the LNMB “will not only be an acknowledgement of the way he led a life as a Filipino patriot but will also be a magnanimous act of reconciliation which will strengthen the bonds of solidarity among the Filipino people.

The Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP), the largest educational association in the country, believes that these exaggerated claims about Marcos cannot be farther from the truth.  They do not at all justify a hero’s burial for him.


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