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Content about House of Representatives

August 5, 2011

NAGA CITY (August 5, 2011) - The House of Representatives in an almost unanimous vote affirmed in a plenary session the passage of a bill that seeks to carve out a new province from Camarines Sur.

NAGA CITY (August 5, 2011) - The House of Representatives in an almost unanimous vote affirmed in a plenary session the passage of a bill that seeks to carve out a new province from Camarines Sur.

House Bill 4820 originally authored by Camarines Sur 4th district Congressman Arnulfo Fuentebella proposes to create a new province, Nueva Camarines, out the 4th and 5th districts of Camarines Sur.

August 5, 2011

The US congress passed a debt ceiling bill, signed by Barack Obama on Tuesday, that will permit the US government to borrow more money, preventing a default on bond payments. The bill passed the House of Representatives by 269-161, and the Senate by 74-26, with opposition from Tea Party Republicans and liberal Democrats.

The US congress passed a debt ceiling bill, signed by Barack Obama on Tuesday, that will permit the US government to borrow more money, preventing a default on bond payments. The bill passed the House of Representatives by 269-161, and the Senate by 74-26, with opposition from Tea Party Republicans and liberal Democrats.

The bill calls for $2.1 trillion in spending cuts over the next ten years, and stipulates that a 12-member committee that will identify ways to reduce spending by November. No new revenues will be raised.

August 3, 2011

On several occasions, I rose in this August Chamber, in defense of the environment and other issues affecting our country and our countrymen.

Mr. President, My Distinguished Colleagues in this August Chamber, Mga Minamahal kong Kababayan:

On several occasions, I rose in this August Chamber, in defense of the environment and other issues affecting our country and our countrymen.

Today, I rise on a personal privilege in defense of my and my family's honor, integrity and dignity.

And I address this speech to reach our people to whom I owe my present position.

June 8, 2011

MANILA, Philippines (June 8 2011) - There shall be no elections in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) on August 8 as it was effectively postponed when the of House of Representatives voted last night to accept Senate amendments to its postponement bill.

MANILA, Philippines (June 8 2011) - There shall be no elections in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) on August 8 as it was effectively postponed when the of House of Representatives voted last night to accept Senate amendments to its postponement bill.

In moving to accept the Senate-proposed amendments, House Majority Leader Neptali Gonzales II said this would make a bicameral conference superfluous and thus shorten the process of enacting the bill.

June 8, 2011

MANILA, Philippines (June 6 2011) (Xinhua) - The controversial reproductive health (RH) bill has finally been endorsed for plenary debates at the Senate, but discussions and voting on the legislation will take place in July as Congress goes on recess on Thursday.

MANILA, Philippines (June 6 2011) (Xinhua) - The controversial reproductive health (RH) bill has finally been endorsed for plenary debates at the Senate, but discussions and voting on the legislation will take place in July as Congress goes on recess on Thursday.

Twenty senators signed Committee Report No. 49 of the Senate committees on finance, health and demography, and youth, women and family relations, paving the way for heated arguments, just like in the House of Representatives, on whether to allow or not unhindered public access to contraceptives.

May 20, 2011

Manila, Philippines (May 20, 2011) - Sen. Edgardo Angara called on groups on both sides of the Reproductive Health (RH) bill debate to refrain from provocative namecalling and to keep discussions “calm, reasoned and enlightened.”

Manila, Philippines (May 20, 2011) - Sen. Edgardo Angara called on groups on both sides of the Reproductive Health (RH) bill debate to refrain from provocative namecalling and to keep discussions “calm, reasoned and enlightened.”

“The same issue has gone through many Catholic countries, even more Catholic and devout than us, like Brazil, Portugal, Spain, Italy, but without this traumatic debate and name-calling,” Angara said.

May 16, 2011

MANILA, Philippines - Malacañang yesterday encouraged the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) to a healthy debate over the reproductive health bill in Congress, but only within the bounds of law – without resorting to anything unlawful, like civil disobedience.

MANILA, Philippines - Malacañang yesterday encouraged the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) to a healthy debate over the reproductive health bill in Congress, but only within the bounds of law – without resorting to anything unlawful, like civil disobedience.

“This is a debate on an issue of national importance. We have different views but discussions should be within the means of the law,” Secretary Ricky Carandang stressed.

April 27, 2011

MANILA, Philippines -  Former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and three of her former officials were charged with plunder and other offenses before the Department of Justice (DOJ) yesterday.

Arroyo’s spokesman declined to comment until she has seen the complaint.

Ma. Elena Bautista-Horn said she is still trying to secure a copy of the complaint.

March 25, 2011

MANILA — After several hours of debate lasting until past midnight, members of the House of Representatives approved the impeachment complaint against Ombudsman Merceditas N. Gutierrez. With a vote of 210-47 in favor of House Resolution 1089, the impeachment case against Gutierrez would now be tried by the Senate.

MANILA — After several hours of debate lasting until past midnight, members of the House of Representatives approved the impeachment complaint against Ombudsman Merceditas N. Gutierrez. With a vote of 210-47 in favor of House Resolution 1089, the impeachment case against Gutierrez would now be tried by the Senate.

March 12, 2011

During his first few months in office as DILG Secretary, Jesse Robredo made it a priority to issue a memorandum circular requiring all local government units to fully disclose their budget and how they are spending it to their constituents. Clearly, this initiative is in line with the campaign promise of President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III to curb graft and corruption through the promotion of transparency and public accountability...Camarines Sur Governor LRay Villafuerte, submitted a petition to the Supreme Court (SC) asking the SC to declare this memorandum as unconstitutional...

During his first few months in office as DILG Secretary, Jesse Robredo made it a priority to issue a memorandum circular requiring all local government units to fully disclose their budget and how they are spending it to their constituents. Clearly, this initiative is in line with the campaign promise of President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III to curb graft and corruption through the promotion of transparency and public accountability.

November 8, 2010

US President Barack Obama brought hope to the American people amid the deep economic crisis confronting what is supposedly the biggest and strongest nation in the world. He ran under the banner of change. And the American people propelled him to power in an unprecendented manner, in a mass movement of sorts where volunteers turned out en masse to raise funds and take on campaign tasks.

US President Barack Obama brought hope to the American people amid the deep economic crisis confronting what is supposedly the biggest and strongest nation in the world. He ran under the banner of change. And the American people propelled him to power in an unprecendented manner, in a mass movement of sorts where volunteers turned out en masse to raise funds and take on campaign tasks.