
Vol. 26 Issue 41 02-08 March 2009

With the start of the Balikatan Military Exercises looming, multi-sectoral movements against the Balikatan have stepped up their attacks against the said joint military exercises.

According to KARAPATAN-Bikol Paul Vincent Casilihan, the number of human rights violations reported has increased significantly in the weeks preceding the start of Balikatan.


LEGAZPI CITY--The Philippine National Police (PNP) in Masbate has filed multiple frustrated murder charges against seven top ranking New People’s Army (NPA) leaders for the ambush of Masbate Governor Elisa Kho last January 11 in Cataingan town in Masbate.

Facing multiple frustrated murder with damages to property are Jose Maria Sison alias Joma, Luis Jalondoni, Gregorio Rosal, Luis Gonzaga aka “JP”, Greg Banares, Joel Atibagos alias Ka Joel of Barangay Parina, Palanas, Masbate, and Elizabeth Yanzon of Barangay Gahit, Cataingan.


MASBATE CITY--Call it the curious case of Bishop Baylon. Bishop Joel Z. Baylon of the Diocese of Masbate has called for a status quo in the top elective positions in this province come 2010 elections.

Bishop Baylon said this coming election would be relatively peaceful if the three incumbent district representatives and the governor of the province would run for re-election unopposed.

The three congressmen are Narciso Bravo Jr. (First District), Rizalina Lanete (Third District), and Antonio Kho (Second District). Elisa Olga Kho, wife of Rep. Kho, is the governor.


HAVE BEEN READING the House Bill 5043 (An Act Providing for a National Policy on Reproductive Health, Responsible Parenthood and Population Development, and for Other Purposes) and its dissection by Makati City Representative Teodoro Locsin Jr. titled The Culling Fields: Dissecting the Cosntantly Changing Reproductive-health Bill.


Further to my article the other week on the “Transparency at Work” section of the Naga City Government’s “Hall of Fame” website (, I’ve discovered it’s actually “transparency at worst.” Why? It’s a farcical façade to shut out vital information, that is, the Commission on Audit reports for Naga.


The 8th of March is designated as International Women’s Day. That day had not always been the day for women all over the world. There were countries that set aside a day for women in February. Countries in Eastern Europe spend this day with men giving the important women in their life flowers. Whatever the date, women and men all over the world make sure this day is a political day.


Lenten is upon us once again. It is a time to be with the Lord in a special way, a time to pray, to fast, and thus to follow Him on the way to Jerusalem, to Golgotha, and to the final victory over death.We recognize how divided we all are. We truly want to follow Him, but we also want to follow our own desires and lend an ear to the voices that speak about pleasure, power, and prestige. This Lent let us ask the help of our Lord that we may become deaf to their voices and more attentive to His voice, which calls us to choose the narrow road to life.

Lent, as we know, is going to be very hard time for us – when we take it as it should be. The choice for His way has to be made every moment of our lives. We have to choose thoughts that are His thoughts, words that are His words, and actions that are His actions. There are no times or places without choices. And we know how deeply we resist choosing the Lord.

Let us pray that the Lord may be with us every moment and in every place, that he may give us strength and courage to live this season faithfully, so that, when Easter comes, we will be able to taste with joy the new life which He had prepared for us.

Most Rev. Leonardo Z. Legaspi, OP, DD
Archbishop of Cacares


As speculations and apprehensions mount as to who would succeed outgoing Naga City Mayor Jesse Robredo, it is becoming more apparent that the leadership of the former has only produced more servile followers and not leaders.


DALLAS, Texas, FEB. 2, 2009 ( Here is an edited text of a conference given by Archbishop Claudio Celli, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, on the theme of “The Role of Mass Communications in Evangelization.”


NAGA CITY--They came and burned US flags but something was eerily missing amid the fiery speeches and loud protestations calling for the scrapping of the Visiting Forces agreement, the effigy of the commander in chief of the military troops they would not welcome-— Barack Obama.

Thousands of protesters from all over Bikol Region had joined last week’s anti-VFA caravan, which culminated in a big rally in Legazpi City. But lost amid the rally was the littlest mention of Obama, even as the loudspeakers blurted out anti-American sentiments.


LEGAZPI CITY--THE HIKE in commercial rice prices in Bikol by P 31.00 to P34.00 pesos per kilo since late January this year, is expected to go down to its previous levels at P 25.00 to P 30.00 per kilos comes March or April this year.

National Food Authority (NFA) regional director for operations, Atty. Jose Guevara, told Vox Bikol that the rise in prices is due to current market demands with the farmer sector still in the planting months; meanwhile the NFA is in the process of milling some 1.1-Million cavans of Palay produced last year in mainland Bikol.


LEGAZPI CITY--The Spanish government through the Agencia Español de Cooperacion Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) turned over on Thursday some P110 million worth of infrastructure projects to the province of Albay, Governor Joey Sarte Salceda said.

The turnover ceremonies led by Luis Romero Arias, Spanish Ambassador to the Philippines and Salceda including city and town executives here were held separately on Thursday in the cities of Legazpi, Ligao and the town of Daraga where the Spanish government projects are located.


MANILA --Dissatisfied with the lawmakers’ handling of the call for agrarian reform, Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales is bringing the issue right on President Arroyo’s doorstep.

Rosales is seeking a dialogue with Mrs. Arroyo on the issue of extending the life of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) which expired last December.

In a letter to the President, the Church leader said the dialogue would also include Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and House Speaker Prospero Nograles.


MANILA --Two prominent Catholic church leaders welcomed the release yesterday of the remaining ten Ninoy Aquino-Rolando Galman convicts following a presidential decision to grant executive clemency last March 2.

CBCP President Angel N. Lagdameo said the convicts have long suffered at the National Penitentiary and it is about time they are freed. “Hindi naman natin kailangang patagalin pa kung hindi naman napatunayang sila ang pumatay dahil karaniwan nating sinasabi ‘Justice delayed is justice denied,’” the prelate said.


Several years ago, the Philippine government arbitrarily signed up and consigned our economy to free unregulated trade through the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) and membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO). Despite protests from various sectors, our legislators gave in to the pressures of globalization. First, we were compelled by our distorted sense of loyalty and dependence on US coupled with our serious lack of patriotism.


A. Image is not good governance

Good governance does not end in the apparent. As citizens, it is our duty to look beyond the images. Image is created and re-created as needed. Erap’s legendary appeal to the masses remains a standard among politicians; see how they belabor trying to look reachable, lovable by the masses. Even Raul Roco wore floral polo shirts to soften the image of the disciplined intellectual that he truly was. But despite Erap’s masa appeal, did it prevent him from holding “midnight cabinets?” Did it stop him from hoarding billions of jueteng money?


IF THERE is something we’ve learned from the recent Bikol Arts Festival—which Naga City hosted, it is the full realization that in many ways we have lost our touch with what Bikol culture really is. And yet, the whole festival came in and out, despite this, and made clearer the very picture of our hunger—and resolve— to present something ‘more’ Bikol next time.

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