Archbishop of the Diocese of Caceres
Caceres Commission on Communications Office (6354) 472-5665
Naga City, Philippines
In my first pastoral letter, I stated the reason why the Church has the right and duty to speak about socio-political issues. In the second, I set forth the guiding moral principles that have helped us in our discernment of the issues contained in the RH bill. In the third, I dealt with the special concerns on the bill and the Church response to these issues. Now, what do we do next?
"So you must live like people who belong to the light, for it is the light that brings a rich harvest of every kind of goodness, righteousness and the truth."[1] Impelled by these words of the Apostle Paul, I feel there are things to be clarified in the RH bill, so that the continuing dialogue, between the Church and the government on the issue, may truly be the common concern of all of us, who are called to live not us unwise but wise men.
The tercentenary of the gift of devotion to Ina, Our Lady of Peñafrancia, has brought us together to celebrate as a community and as a Church. The celebration has offered us great joy to remember with gratitude the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us through Ina; and has given us hope to share this gift of devotion with loving concern to those in need especially the poor.
Hunyo 27, 2010 - A las 6:00 ng Umaga
Katedral ng Naga, Lungsod ng Naga
Namomotan kong mga tugang sa pagtubod:
Saaga na ang eleksyon. Boot kong ipadagos an pag-gampan ko kan sakuyang katongdan bilang saindong Arzobispo, bilang sarong Pastor, sa pag-pagiromdom saindo.