Mass for departed priests and bishops celebrated

"Once, every year, we gather together to remember those who have walked with us. How do we remember them?", asked Most Rev. Leonardo Legaspi, O.P. D.D., Archbishop of Caceres, at the concelebrated mass for the departed Priests and Bishops of the Archdiocese. Held on the Solemnity of the All Saints' Day, November 1, 2011 (Tuesday), both the religious and the lay faithful gathered at the Resurrection Garden Chapel of the Holy Rosary Major Seminary at nine o'clock in the morning.

In his homily, the Archbishop spoke of the souls in purgatory, preaching about the nature of their spiritual state and how family members and friends may help them. He said that the souls in purgatory cannot gain in charity anymore even if they do suffer greatly; but while they suffer, they wait for the time that heaven's gates, through God's mercy, will open for them. Thus, it is important that relatives and friends keep their departed loved ones in their prayers.

The solemn eucharistic celebration was attended by the Clergy of Caceres, the religious, family members and friends of the departed Priests and Bishops of the Archdiocese, and by Most Rev. Adolfo Tito Yllana, Apostolic Nuncio to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Before the mass concluded, he blessed the graves of the departed Priests and Bishops. After which, Rev. Msgr. Roberto Carpio, Rector of the Holy Rosary Major Seminary, expressed his words of gratitude.

Plenary indulgence, the full absolution of punishments for sins committed, will be given to the faithful departed until November 8, 2011 (Tuesday) if those who wish to obtain such for their departed loved ones attain the following stipulations. First, he/she must bear the said intention and second, he/she must do the following acts: receive Holy Communion, observe the Sacrament of Reconciliation and pray not only for the souls in purgatory but also for the intentions of the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.