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Missiologist Urges Proclamation of Faith

Father Andrew Recepcion, president of the International Association of Catholic Missiologists, says Christians in Asia should articulate their faith despite being a minority.

In his interview with he seeks to shed light on current issues and challenges surrounding mission work in Asia. What does the International Association of Catholic Missiologists (IACM) do?

FATHER ANDREW RECEPCION: The International Association of Catholic Missiologists does systematic research to help the Church fulfill its missionary mandate.

Who are members?

Priests, nuns, laymen and women from around the world. Missiology is one theology field with much lay participation.

What are your priorities as president?

Missiologists must realize areas of concern in Church mission.

This year's direction comes from the recently concluded international congress. The theme is new life in Jesus, in the Areopagus of the globalized world.

It is inspired by Acts 17 in which St. Paul talks about the unknown God. Major areas of concern include religious and secular fundamentalism, indigenous peoples, eco-justice and inculturation.

What is your focus with fundamentalism?

We need to understand fundamentalists and how we can help communities respond to groups threatening the very Christian identity.

What are particular movements of concern ?

We have Biblical fundamentalists. Pentecostalism is a growing phenomenon.

Secularism is another related concern. Some societies believe they do not need any religion and are directed solely by scientists, quest for social development or liberation.

What is new about the Church's mission to indigenous peoples?

We want to investigate how the Church takes care of them. Have they been kept in their marginal state despite being used to showcase fund raising activities?

In Thailand, during the Asian Mission Congress, there was a tribe that converted to Christianity. This raises the question, what is the best way for indigenous people to be converted without destroying their very identity?

What is your association's stand on eco-justice?

We are exploring green evangelization and what missioners can do to address environmental issues.

Theology and missiology look at man as one who has to glorify creation which is the key to understanding the universe's interconnectedness.

What is new about inculturation?

Classic theology inculturation defines mission as a foreign culture introducing faith into a local one without destroying its locality.

Globalization has made way for new cultures, such as pop culture.

Is it possible to inculturate faith in pop culture? Music is an example. Of course, we don't have to do away with our pipe organs. But how much impact could we make from mainstream radio and the Internet, which can draw the youth closer?