Bikol Militants Condemn Illegal Arrest of 43 Health Workers

Monday, February 15th, 2010

The Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas-Bikol (KMP-Bikol) and the human rights group KARAPATAN-Bikol condemned the illegal arrest and detention of the 43 health workers in Morong, Rizal last Saturday. The health workers were in a Luzon-wide health training of the Council for Health and Development (CHD) and the Community Medicine Development Foundation (CMDF).

According to Felix Paz, chairman of KMP-Bikol and national council member of KMP, "this is the peak of all ironies! These doctors, nurses and health workers are the ones really helping us peasants, unlike the government and the military. They go out of their way to go to far-flung areas to treat our illnesses and teach us alternative medicines."

John Concepcion, spokesperson of KARAPATAN-Bikol said that, "what the 202nd Infantry Brigade did was most definitely wrong and a violation of the human rights of the victims. Their search and arrest warrants were bogus and they did not even let the health workers see their family and colleagues. What is worse though is that they did not even let the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) to see the victims."

"The military should be held liable for their actions and charges must be filed against them.  They should also immediately release the victims," ended Concepcion.

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