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PPCRV wants closure on ‘Hello Garci’ scandal

MANILA, July 18, 2011— The Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) supports moves to solve past cases of electoral fraud especially the Hello Garci scandal.

Henrietta de Villa, PPCRV chairperson, said that until those accountable for a crime have been revealed and justice has been served, the case cannot be put to rest.

“They should run after all those who had a hand in the mega cheating in the 2004 and 2007 elections,” said de Villa.

The PPCRV head also said that resolving such cases of alleged electoral fraud is one crucial step to for credible and peaceful elections in the future.

The Commission on Election earlier said it is conducting an investigation on the poll fraud claims in 2004 and 2007 after suspended Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Gov. Zaldy Ampatuan and dismissed Maguindanao election supervisor Lintang Bedol admitted of its legitimacy.

Malacañang, on Saturday, supported plans to revive the investigation on poll fraud but denied that they have something to do with it.

But De Villa said authorities should make sure that the Bedol’s pending cases will not be overlooked due to the looming probe.

“Bedol should be charged and, once proven guilty, penalized. But Comelec and the government should not stop with Bedol,” said de Villa.

Bedol is currently facing four charges filed by the Comelec, namely indirect contempt, as well as for violating the Omnibus Election Code (Sec. 261), the Revised Penal Code (Sec. 226), and the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act (Sec. 3-e).

Bedol currently has a pending Warrant of Arrest issued by the Comelec en banc last October 22, 2007. [CBCPNews]