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Content about Zaldy Ampatuan

July 19, 2011

MANILA, July 18, 2011— The Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) supports moves to solve past cases of electoral fraud especially the Hello Garci scandal.

MANILA, July 18, 2011— The Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) supports moves to solve past cases of electoral fraud especially the Hello Garci scandal.

Henrietta de Villa, PPCRV chairperson, said that until those accountable for a crime have been revealed and justice has been served, the case cannot be put to rest.

“They should run after all those who had a hand in the mega cheating in the 2004 and 2007 elections,” said de Villa.

July 18, 2011

MANILA, Philippines (July 18, 2011) - A cue from a Malacañang legal team that now assesses the “value and plausibility” of the allegations of two key witnesses is all the Department of Justice (DOJ) needs to start the formal investigation of  perceived massive election fraud in 2004 and 2007.

MANILA, Philippines (July 18, 2011) - A cue from a Malacañang legal team that now assesses the “value and plausibility” of the allegations of two key witnesses is all the Department of Justice (DOJ) needs to start the formal investigation of perceived massive election fraud in 2004 and 2007.

July 14, 2011

MANILA, Philippines - Whatever hope Zaldy Ampatuan has to turn state witness against his clan in the Maguindanao massacre is quickly dashed as President Benigno Aquino III assured the families of the victims that this will not happen.

MANILA, Philippines - Whatever hope Zaldy Ampatuan has to turn state witness against his clan in the Maguindanao massacre is quickly dashed as President Benigno Aquino III assured the families of the victims that this will not happen.

The president met with the relatives of the massacre victims this afternoon.

July 14, 2011

MANILA, Philippines - Whatever hope Zaldy Ampatuan has to turn state witness against his clan in the Maguindanao massacre is quickly dashed as President Benigno Aquino III assured the families of the victims that this will not happen.

MANILA, Philippines - Whatever hope Zaldy Ampatuan has to turn state witness against his clan in the Maguindanao massacre is quickly dashed as President Benigno Aquino III assured the families of the victims that this will not happen.

The president met with the relatives of the massacre victims this afternoon.

July 13, 2011

MANILA Philippines (July 13, 2011) - Apparently disposed to unload all that he knows, Zaldy Ampatuan now claims that the former first couple ordered the manipulation of the results of the 2007 elections in his home province of Maguindanao - and he is willing to testify.

MANILA Philippines (July 13, 2011) - Apparently disposed to unload all that he knows, Zaldy Ampatuan now claims that the former first couple ordered the manipulation of the results of the 2007 elections in his home province of Maguindanao - and he is willing to testify.