Julma Narvadez

Julma Narvadez

Stories from Julma Narvadez

Sunday, September 13th, 2009

Fr. Miguel Robles de Covarrubias was within his first decade of priesthood when he changed the course of history.  His story is a classic example of how a man's personal convictions can influence 300 years and a world beyond his wildest dreams. His life's work is a perfect proof of the wisdom of God's ways.

Sunday, August 30th, 2009

The first time I took note of "balaog" was in 2004. "Hiras nin Balaog" was supposedly the catchphrase when the Bikol Branch of Consuelo "Chito" Madrigal Foundation was launched.  So I asked, "Anong balaog?"  It's a shame that my Bikol vocabulary is limited to the everyday usage. No literary value, whatsoever. Although I do get creative with my Bikol when I am fuming mad.

Saturday, August 8th, 2009

When Cory Aquino was on her knees, with rosary beads rolling in her fingers, eyes shut in prayer, she was a picture of a daughter relying on the Blessed Mother's intercession.  When she spoke of her faith, her eyes danced in the glow of the Father's light. There was no doubt there was truth in her words.

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

The commemorative sticker of his car's rear window is still there. The years have paled its color but one can still read its message: Diamond Jubilee of the Coronation of Our Lady of Peñafrancia, 1924 - 1999.

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

Caceres Archbishop Leonardo Z. Legaspi, O.P., D.D. says in his homily during the Chrism Mass on March 20, Holy Thursday, at the Naga Cathedral that “truth is not defined by political interests and their anointed messengers. All political truth is partial and tainted; only the truth of Christ is pure and whole – and the truth of Christ cannot be grasped by those who manipulate His Church and instrumentalize the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, reducing it to the level of a political tool for political ends and propaganda.”

Thursday, October 25th, 2007
Last week, this paper published an article of entitled "The Youth and the Penafrancia Fiesta."  It instantly caught my curiosity. Aside from the fact that the opinion page rarely features the views of another generation, the recent well-meaning exchanges in print and radio regarding the Penafrancia Fiesta are more than enough to make me want to know a new take on the topic. Allow me to join the fray.
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