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Corrupting our Minors, Corrupting the Future


To: Clergy, Religious, Lay Faithful

"Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." (Mt 18,16)

Reports coming from all over leave no doubt as to the scope and magnitude of corruption and cheating in the recent Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections. During our Clergy General Assembly held last Tuesday, every priest present said that vote-buying and selling were rampant in their respective places of assignment and home towns. Radyo Veritas Legazpi and other local radio stations, as well as our local PPCRV units also confirmed this widespread terrible state of affairs.

Vote-buying is morally wrong. It is unfair to candidates who have lesser means or who choose the path of principled campaigning. It is unfair to the electorate because it puts undue influence on their right to vote. It subverts the will of the people. Vote-buying feeds the vicious cycle of graft and corruption as politicians and their patrons later find ways to recoup their election "investments" by stealing from government projects and exacting political favors.

Vote-buying is illegal. Article 22, Section 261, of the Omnibus Election Code (R.A. 881) cites vote-buying, vote-selling and conspiracy to sell votes among election offenses punishable by law.

Under the Local Government Code (Book 3, Section 384), the barangay is the basic political unit of our society and the primary unit responsible for implementing government policies, programs and projects. It also serves as a forum where the people's voice may be heard and considered, and where local disputes may be amicably settled.

The barangay is where people experience direct democracy in action - a government by the people, of the people, for the people. Sadly, during this recent barangay election a great number of our people have chosen unwisely. They have chosen to set aside Christian values and disrespect the law. Politicians shell out money to buy votes and maintain loyalty. The voters expect - and in many instances, demand - to be bribed into voting for candidates.

Even worse, the Sangguniang Kabataan election was not spared from the same sin of corruption and vote-buying. In some places vote-buying for the position of SK Chairman reached as high as P1,500.00. Young people were suspiciously "quartered" in various beach resorts and other places prior to and during election day by political patrons. Most shocking were widespread stories of parents of SK candidates who funded, supported and pushed their children to bribe other youths into voting for them.

When the next round of election this time for the SK Federation President on the municipal, city and provincial levels come, another level of vote-buying, "quartering" and corruption of youth leaders would almost certainly arise, involving bigger sums of money and more scandalous forms of bribery.

What has happened to us as a people? What have we done to our youth? With leaders like these, what kind of future do we have in store for our country? And then we hear even from honest, well-meaning people - perhaps reflecting the common sentiment nowadays - that we just have to get used to this sad situation that has become a way of life, a culture that has become impossible to change.