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CBCP Official Scores Military Presence Inside Hacienda Luisita

MANILA, August 11, 2010- An official of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) chided the continuing presence of government troopers inside Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac City.

Father Edu Gariguez said the hacienda is currently under tight security as farmers demanding full land distribution continue to gain media mileage and public attention.

"We went there (recently) and we saw the presence of the military and militiamen inside Luisita. Soldiers and militiamen have a main camp there," said Gariguez.

He said the soldiers are present in at least ten barangays inside the hacienda and built military camps.

Gariguez believes that the presence of the military is not to protect the people but of the interest of the powerful Cojuangco family who owns the 6,419-hectare property.

The CBCP official said the hacienda has long been militarized even during the term of former President Gloria Arroyo but more soldiers were assigned there lately.

Nowadays, he said, the "expanded" military presence there has generated fear to thousands of agricultural workers and their families.

"Leaders of farmers' organizations are afraid because we know that in Hacienda Luisita, it's not easy to be a leader of an organization or farmers' union," said Gariguez.

The priest was referring to the strike in 2004 that ended in violence and killed at least seven farmers near the gate of the sugar mill in what is known as Luisita massacre.

Gariguez said they are planning a talk with the Armed Forces of the Philippines through the Military Ordinariate of the Philippines headed by Bishop Leopoldo Tumulak.

"We would like to make an appeal to the military not to side with the land owners but to instead give protection to the people," he said. (CBCPNews)