Bishop Baylon Calls on Youth to Join Poll-related Projects

Sunday, May 2nd, 2010

MANILA, May 1, 2010-Legazpi Bishop Joel Baylon and Chair of the CBCP's Episcopal Commission on Youth (ECY) has called on the young people to volunteer and join poll-related projects this election.

"I am strongly encouraging you to offer yourselves as volunteers in a variety of ways in this endeavor," he said.

He urged them to put their "time, talents, and treasures" in the service of a meaningful electoral process.

Baylon said the youth's service will help build a future that is founded on justice, love and truth.

In a related development, YouthPinoy, an alliance of young Filipinos who bear witness to their Catholic faith through creative means of expression published in the World Wide Web, has convened a project entitled; "YP: Aksyon sa Eleksyon."

The project is a collaborative endeavor of YouthPinoy, Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) and TV5.

It aims to monitor the May 10 elections as well as to help make certain that this national event will be clean, honest, orderly and peaceful. (Kate Laceda/CBCPNews)