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Opposition Mounts vs San Miguel Bay Mining

LGUs of bay area determined to stop mining venture
San Miguel Bay viewed from Calabanga, Camarines Sur
San Miguel Bay viewed from Calabanga, Camarines Sur

CALABANGA, Camarines Sur, Nov. 24  – It may be an uphill battle but local leaders opposed to the proposed offshore magnetite exploration at the marine life-rich San Miguel Bay are standing their ground.

They fear massive environmental degradation and economic dislocation of thousands of fisher folk around the bay should the mining operations push through.

The mining would be initiated by Bogo Resources and Mining Corporation (BRMC), a Filipino-Korean firm.

“We do not want the natural wealth of San Miguel Bay and the source of livelihood for thousands of our marginalized fishery sector relying on its rich marine resources to be compromised,” Evelyn Yu, the mayor of this first class municipality that derives most of its revenue from local agriculture and fishing industries, said.

The town’s legislative council had also signified its strong opposition to the mining projects and Yu said they aired that position as early as last July on learning about the exploration permit obtained by BRMC from the regional office of the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

The permit, Yu said, was applied for in November last year but they were told about it only sometime early last July following their assumption of their new terms of office.

“It was already approved when laid down to us,” Yu complained.

“Our position against this project was not based on our personal belief and opinion. We arrived at this position following public consultations. Our constituents are all-out against this mining project,” the lady mayor said.

The Municipal Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council (MFARMC) here has joined the municipal government in opposing the planned exploration and subsequent mining of magnetite from the bay.

In a resolution passed and sent to EMB regional director Reynulfo Juan, the MFARMC stressed “that this exploration activity will pose hazards to the environment and will eventually put the residents in the area vulnerable to disasters.”

From the nearby town of Tinambac, Mayor Ruel Velarde aired the same position saying, “The people of Tinambac have spoken. They are against this mining venture as they want to preserve the natural resources of San Miguel Bay. So, to the EMB and BRMC, our appeal is: Please leave the bay alone.”

The town government of Tinambac has placed its municipal waters within the San Miguel Bay covering five kilometers from the shoreline under protection as a fishing ground.

The bay is a shallow, estuarine body of water covering an area of 1,115 square kilometers within seven coastal municipalities -- Mercedes and Basud in Camarines Norte and Sipocot, Cabusao, Tinambac, Siruma and this town in Camarines Sur.