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Catholic Educators: Corruption Must be Impeached 'Mercilessly'

MANILA, March 10, 2011— Saying that corruption must be impeached “mercilessly,” Catholic educators have joined calls to prosecute Ombudsman Mercidetas Gutierrez.

In a statement, the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP) said an “inept” official has no place in public service.

It urged the lawmakers to expedite the impeachment proceedings against Gutierrez for the current administration to effectively implement its anti-corruption campaign.

“We strongly call for a speedy, fair and decisive conduct of the impeachment proceedings. Corruption must be impeached mercilessly,” the CEAP said.

Gutierrez is accused of betrayal of public trust for “sleeping” on graft and corruption charges particularly those filed against former President Gloria Arroyo and her allies.

“Paradoxically, the very Office of the Ombudsman, which was created to be the ‘watchdog’ of the people, has unfortunately been transformed into a major instrument in concealing the impropriety of corrupt government officials,” it said.

The CEAP said that in backing the impeachment efforts versus Gutierrez, they believe it only shows that there is “unceasing and escalating clamor for truth and justice” by the Filipino people.

“The blatant disregard of the Ombudsman in fulfilling her constitutional duty to prevent abuse of power in the government is a direct attack against the core values of public service. It is a breach of public trust,” the statement further read.

On the other hand, the country’s largest organization of Catholic schools called on Gutierrez to look only at two options provided to her morally.

“We urge Ombudsman Gutierrez to be truthful to herself and the people she swore to serve by facing the impeachment proceedings without evasion,” said CEAP.

“(She should also) consider her resignation as a moral choice.”

The CEAP is the largest educational association in the country with 1,290 member-institutions. [CBCPNews]


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