Burning Hopes
Sunday, May 16th, 2010

(Allow me to share in this column my reflections-turned-homily which I delivered last May 16)

Burning Hopes
Sunday, April 12th, 2009

What really happened on that First Good Friday? Who nailed Jesus to the cross? It was not Pilate because he was trying desperately to find an explanation, any excuse to let him go. It was not the Sanhedrin either because they wanted him dead but they did not have the authority to order an execution. They were under martial law of a foreign power. The definitive power came from ordinary people - a screaming crowd demanding blood. CRUCIFY HIM!

Burning Hopes
Sunday, March 22nd, 2009

Half way through Lent , we find ourselves praying for more cleansing and more purity in our relationship with God. Although lent is not required anywhere in the scriptures, it has been a custom, which Christians have practiced for most of the last two thousand years. In many languages, the word “Lent” actually means “Fast.” This is where the custom of giving up something for Lent originated.

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