Sunday, July 25th, 2010

IMPUNITY - OR exemption from punishment - has been correctly called a culture, a way of doing things to which a particular community has become accustomed. It is almost inevitably mentioned as the primary reason why journalists and political activists continue to be killed in the Philippines, where a culture of impunity has indeed taken root. But it also applies with equal validity to the killing of nearly everyone else, especially the poor and powerless. Few murders in this country are ever really solved, with the perpetrators and masterminds being arrested, tried and punished.

Opposite Poles
Sunday, July 25th, 2010

Before the elections, I wrote two articles on PNOY. One was about "A Longing" for sincerity and truthfulness amidst a national government of dishonesty and fraud. The second one was about "Depth of Character" of a presidential aspirant with unquestioned integrity, unbelievable humility and simplicity, strong commitment to principled governance and public accountability, and trust in the power of the people.

Sunday, July 25th, 2010

MANILA - President Benigno Aquino III was quoted last week complaining that he is not being given a "honeymoon" by the media as criticisms are starting to come his way. The very first executive order of his administration received flak for being legally inappropriate; the conflicts of interest in his appointments such as that of Transportation Secretary Jose de Jesus, Public Works Secretary Rogelio Singson and Energy Secretary Jose Rene Almendras immediately landed in the news. Public Works Sec.

Sunday, July 25th, 2010

The meaning of the name Naga, our city, has lately changed. For a long time, we have associated the name to the presence of Narra trees, the local name for which is said to be Naga.

Sato Ini
Sunday, July 25th, 2010

An mahibog na librong Katesismo para sa Katolikong Simbahan igwa man sanang apat na harigi: an Kredo; an Pitong Sakramento; an Sampolong Togon; asin an Pamibi nin Kagurangnan.

An mga babasahon ngunyan na Domingo manunungod sa ika-apat na harigi, an pagpamibi.

Mayon Limited
(First of two parts)
Sunday, July 25th, 2010

THOSE WERE TRYING TIMES, the time I learned grating coconut meat.

The rustic peace of Lupi, the town where I grew up was always disturbed by frequent encounters between the military and the revolutionary army. Harassments, it was the how the men from the detachment called these moments of gunfire exchanges. The evening trains sometimes were flagged down by unidentified persons perhaps because a wounded comrade had to be transported someplace where there was a hospital. Those were times when we children were often cautioned by our parents never to talk to strangers and never to catch dragonflies and beetles up in the pine trees.

For Bikol and the World
Sunday, July 25th, 2010

Since last year, there have been calls to declare Naga City as a "Pilgrim City" to facilitate the celebration of the 300th year of our devotion to Ina, Our Lady of Peñafrancia.

(First of two parts)
Monday, July 19th, 2010

The Philippines was second to none in military might among countries in Southeast Asia, but that was long, long time ago.

Today, by twist of fate, the Philippines found itself at the bottom, gasping for breath trying to save whatever it could on its remaining aging aircraft and warships in its arsenal.

Monday, July 19th, 2010

Last week, the film industry composed of independent filmmakers confronted many questions that had to do with the independence of independent films. It was a wise move and put to rest the many severe criticisms that indies, as these films are known, had received.

Touring Germany
Monday, July 19th, 2010

It is high summer in Germany and indeed this year's July seems to break earlier records in temperatures. Normally Germans consider it summer already when temperatures go above 30°C for one week in the year. This July however we here are already on our third week of heat above 35°C. Further, it  rarely cools down over night and it hardly rains.

How do Germans cope these days?

Monday, July 12th, 2010

In Genesis we read, "There were giants on the earth in those days.... These were the heroes that were of old, warriors of renown.' The Scriptural reference is mythological, but for the Catholic Church in Asia there was, indeed, a time when there were giants on the earth, and they were bishops.

The recent death of Bishop Francisco Claver may have marked the end of that era.

Monday, July 12th, 2010

Last Tuesday, I had a lunch with three good friends. It was a delayed celebration of my friend's daughter's graduation. The daughter is well on her way to becoming a doctor.

A table was laid out at the porch. The beams surrounding the porch framed the skies and the clouds.

Sato Ini
Monday, July 12th, 2010

An istorya dapit sa Marhay na Samaritano saro sa pinakamidbid na usipon sa ebanghelyo. Kadakul kan mga adal na pwede nyatong paghurop-huropan sa istoryang ini.

Enot, pinapasabot digdi an satong kamugtakan sa kinaban. Sa kinaban, igwang duwang klase nin tawo: an tulisan asin an biktima nin tulisan. An biktima bako sanang biktima nin tulisan, kundi biktima man nin mga tawong mayong pakiaram. Kadakol an nagagadan sa dalan huli ta mayong gustong magtabang.

Monday, July 12th, 2010

The infamy of the former Arroyo administration did not begin and end with the corruption scandals it was involved in. There were the allegations of cheating during the 2004 elections, which shook the ground it was standing on.

Sato Ini
Sunday, July 4th, 2010

An mga babasahon ngunyan na Domingo mga pagirumdom na an Dyos iyo an burabod nin kaogmahan asin katuninongan.

For Bikol and the World
Sunday, July 4th, 2010

"Are we not re-opening old wounds?"

This was then first-termer Congressman Noynoy's question on the issue of finding the real mastermind of Ninoy's assassination together with bringing to justice all those responsible for human rights abuses and corruption during the Marcos Dictatorship in one congressional hearing I attended as a resource person way back in 1998.

Sunday, July 4th, 2010

I travel each week to Manila from Naga. In most of these trips, I always manage to have the single seat of the Peñafrancia Bus Q or X, which is one of the most sophisticated buses in the archipelago.

Sermon ng Rdmo. Leonardo Z. Legaspi, O.P., D.D, Arzobispo ng Caceres
Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Hunyo 27, 2010 - A las 6:00 ng Umaga

Katedral ng Naga, Lungsod ng Naga

Touring Germany
Sunday, June 27th, 2010

32 national teams qualified and were invited to the Soccer World Cup in South Africa. 32 teams were arranged in eight groups of four. The FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) placed a front runner in every group from A to H and then drew other nations to the groups via lottery, considering in the procedure that nations of all continents are well mixed up and yet also fairly arranged according to their ranking.

For Bikol and the World
Sunday, June 27th, 2010

As Noynoy takes his oath as our new President on the promise of "Kung walang corrupt, walang mahirap," it is worth recalling that under our Constitution the State shall maintain honesty and integrity in the public service and take positive and effective measures against graft and corruption.

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