NPA Rebels Murder Anew a Militiaman in Camarines Norte

Sunday, July 25th, 2010

Camp Elias Angeles, Pili, Camarines Sur (23 July) -- As if competing with typhoon "Basyang's" death toll, an off-duty militiaman was shot and killed by suspected Special Partisan Unit (SPARU) of the CPP-NPA-NDF in Camarines Norte at 2:00 am yesterday (July 22), a military report said.

Colonel Leoncio Cirunay, commander of the 22nd Infantry Battalion of the Philippine Army, has identified the fatality as CAA Jehn Villones, assigned with the 5th CAA Camarines Norte based in Labo town.

He said that many of his CAFGUS have reported about the death threats against them.

"I have received reports in the past that Villones complained about the death threats that he received from the CPP-NPA through text messages. The terrorist bandits have not stopped their practice of killing our people once they go home for vacations," said Cirunay.

Cirunay said that the victim was on a 15-day off duty status in his residence in Jose Panganiban town when he was shot and killed by the NPA rebels at around 2:00am in a bushy area in Luklukan village.

"I really hope the Commission on Human Rights and other human rights groups will look into these series of extra-judicial killings against our personnel. While we busied ourselves in saving lives during the typhoon 'Basyang' here comes the NPA rebels who are continuously killing our people".

Villones is the eighth victim of the extra-judicial killing among CAFGU personnel of the 9th Infantry Division in CY 2010. He is the second militiaman executed by the NPA rebels in Camarines Norte after the killing of CAA Pedro Beguiras last February 25.

One Floro Gata, 46 and a resident of Barangay Luklukan, Jose Panganiban town, said that he heard loud screams followed by burst of gunfire near his house at early dawn esterday, adding that "I roused from my sleep when I heard countless gunfire; I became scared because I know someone may have died in the incident."

Sgt. Ronnie Sustal, commander of the Army Detachment where the dead militiaman was assigned, said that the victim sustained multiple gunshot wounds which led to his instantaneous death.

"We found Cal 5.56 mm empty shells near the crime scene," said Sustal.

Responding villagers immediately brought the victim to a funeral parlor as police investigators conducted autopsy.

Major General Ruperto Pabustan, commander of the 9th Infantry Division of the Philippine Army, has condemned the series of murders perpetrated by the communist terrorist rebels. He likewise said that he has already initiated a move to lodge formal complaint against the NPA rebels before the Commission of Human Rights.

"I have directed the Army's legal officer to help the victims' relatives file criminal cases as well as complaints of human rights violations against the members of the CPP-NPA-NDF who are behind the series of killings", Pabustan said. (DPAO 9ID PA/PIA)


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