Jina-Luz Zamudio Alfelor

Stories from Jina-Luz Zamudio Alfelor

Saturday, July 17th, 2010

Nutrition is the science that interprets the relationship of food to the functioning of the living organism. It is concerned with the intake of food, digestive processes, the liberation of energy, and the elimination of wastes, as well as with all the synthesis that are essential for maintenance, growth, and reproduction.

Saturday, July 17th, 2010

Teaching Science subject is very interesting and challenging both on the part of the teacher and the pupil. It should be equipped with knowledge and materials to attain the success of the study.

It is fortunate that the government have interests in bringing a chance to uplift the quality of life to the vast segment of humanity living below the poverty line through science and technology. Learners are being trained to be scientifically literate by introducing concepts on how to create a functional, usable, and productive output through laboratory works.

Saturday, July 17th, 2010

Education has been one of the major enterprise of a democratic society, and preparing competent teachers in whose hands the education of the young children is entrusted cannot be overemphasized.

The seminar workshop was intended primarily for Baao District teachers and school heads to improve their competency and to update themselves on the current trends, new techniques and strategies in the teaching-learning process, and to maintain a high standard of personal and professional conduct.