Problems Encountered on the Preparation and Use of “Do-it-Yourself (DIY) Apparatuses and Equipment in Baao District
Saturday, July 17th, 2010
Teaching Science subject is very interesting and challenging both on the part of the teacher and the pupil. It should be equipped with knowledge and materials to attain the success of the study.
It is fortunate that the government have interests in bringing a chance to uplift the quality of life to the vast segment of humanity living below the poverty line through science and technology. Learners are being trained to be scientifically literate by introducing concepts on how to create a functional, usable, and productive output through laboratory works.
In the Philippines, most problems of the Elementary School teachers specifically like Baao District in the Division of Camarines Sur are the availability of laboratory rooms, equipment and apparatuses. Very ordinarily, lessons are delivered theoretically. This is due to the problems met by public elementary schools science teachers in handling and preparing laboratory works. Some reasons are due to the unavailability of the laboratory apparatuses and equipment especially those schools that are located in far flung barangays. Worst, there are only few public elementary schools in the thirty eight districts of Camarines Sur like in Baao District, there are only three (3) schools out of 25 schools with science apparatuses and equipment and, no school has a laboratory room in the District. This probably also happens to other public schools in the whole country that's why Science as a subject ranked below in the National Achievement Test results from grades III to VI.
According to National Science Teachers Association (2003), the youth must be scientifically literate to adapt to rapid technological advancement. To be scientifically literate, the youth must have a good understanding of the basic principles of science and technology and inculcate positive values related to scientific awareness and skills. Thus, science education must focus on the scientific literacy of all the students.
"Imagine a universe with no stars, no galaxies and no light." It is like teaching science without teaching aid and performing laboratory works without the necessary apparatuses and equipment. It is in fact, very important to understand the nature and functions of the problems met by public elementary science teachers on the preparation and use of "Do-It-Yourself" apparatuses and equipments.
Furthermore, the result of Division Achievement Test (DAT) and National Achievement Test (NAT) in Science in Baao District showed that it is very much far behind the target of 75% proficiency level and results are unacceptable, perhaps embarrassing on the part of the teachers.
The quality of education is deteriorating due to the different problems and hindrances that occur each moment. In reality, science is incomplete without performing laboratory works and it adds to the burdens that the systems of education have. The schools could not afford to buy laboratory materials. Moreover, this problem is often neglected by the department. Thus, devising and developing measures, remedies and solutions have to be done to address these problems.
West Central School

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