UNEP President Off to Chicago for the IST International Grand Alumni Homecoming
Saturday, July 17th, 2010
Iriga City --- UNIVERSITY OF NORTHEASTETN PHILIPPINES (UNEP) President Atty. Remelisa Afelor-Moraleda and Executive Vice President and UNEP VP for Finance, Miss Deli Alfelor-Tibi, together with selected deans and university personnel are all set to Sheraton Gateway Suites in Chicago, Illinois USA before the end of this month for the first ever UNEP International Grand Alumni Homecoming comes July 29 to August 1, 2010.
"We are inviting all our graduates, from kindergarten up to those who completed their post-graduate degrees for this once in a lifetime event," Atty. Moraleda said in an interview.
The momentous event is expected to congregate thousand of UNEPians who are all now successful in their chosen fields of endeavors. Most of them are now doing well in their careers and are now respected members of the society where they belong.
The occasion will serve as the first gathering of all UNEPians from all nooks and corner of the world after more than 60 years of stepping out of their alma matter. Under this year's theme: "the economy, health care reforms- our lives and our profession," UNEP alumni will reminisce the good old days and share their own success stories.
On top of the preparations is Ms Deli, who is concurrently, the Homecoming's Regional Coordinator together with Miss Wilma Ramos.
In an interview, Ms Deli said that she is already excited just thinking about what's going to transpire in Chicago. "I am really excited and also keyed-up since this is the first time that we are going to have the first ever international grand alumni homecoming for our graduates outside of the Philippines ."
To make the reunion fun and enjoyable, the organizers have prepared various activities such as games and challenges to welcome all attending alumni. Aside from the festive Saturday Grand Ball and sumptuous dinner, all attendees will surely enjoy the prizes from the Lottery Ticket draw.
Prizes include round trip ticket for two (2) to any US City, a roundtrip ticket from Hongkong to Manila , and free roundtrip tickets from US to Manila . A $100.00 consolation prize will also be given to five owners of winning tickets. Aside from the games, outstanding UNEPians will also be recognized for their exemplary deeds and contribution during the events' Recognition Awards ceremony.
Before finally wrapping up the 3-day event, a thanksgiving mass will be held at San Francisco, California with Rev. Fr. Ed Dura, Pastor of the Saint Patrick Church, as celebrant.
Atty. Remelisa Alfelor-Moraleda stated that the international homecoming will yet be another mark of the distinct universality of every UNEPians.
"I have already said it, and will say it over and over again, that UNEP will not be called the HOME OF GLOBAL ACHIEVERS for nothing. We have earned it thru hard work, thru perseverance and thru our undaunted dedication to keep the quality of our education high and unquestionable, and we did it, with pride and great honor. I am truly proud that more and more UNEPians are joining the ranks of professionals and creating their own niche in our society."
For interested attendees, you may call (847) 699-6300 for reservation. You may also visit their personalized website at http://www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/UNEPCN. (Lizel S. Macatangay)

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