BA Recebido

Stories from BA Recebido

Saturday, July 17th, 2010

Sorsogon City (15 July) -- Shellfish Bulletin No. 15 issued by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) dated July 8, 2010 strongly advices the public that all types of shellfish and Acetes sp. or "alamang" gathered from Sorsogon Bay are now again unsafe for human consumption.

BFAR bulletin says that based on the latest laboratory results of the red tide monitoring activities conducted by the agency and Office of the City and Provincial Agriculturist, shellfish samples collected from Sorsogon Bay are now positive anew of the red tide toxin.

Monday, April 20th, 2009

Sorsogon City (16 April) -- The increasing prices of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) and the prohibition of cutting of woods for fuel use, prompted the City Agriculture Office here to promote the use of rice hull, a farm waste common in agricultural areas, as an alternative cooking fuel.

Ms. Adeline Detera, city agriculturist, said that the common problem confronting the locals here is the need for readily available, cheap and alternative to LPG for cooking.

Sunday, April 12th, 2009

Sorsogon Province (7 April) -- The RP-US Balikatan humanitarian mission formally opened here April 1 in a simple ceremony at Barangay Guruyan in Juban town, this province.

Barangay Guruyan is one of the identified recipient barangays of the joint military forces' engineering and medical missions.

Barangay Patag in Irosin, also among the identified priority areas, will receive health assistance, school buildings and road component projects.