Surat Pastoral kan satong ginagalangan na Arzobispo kan Caceres, Leonardo Z. Legaspi, O.P., D.D. manonongod sa tamang pagboto kan mga Catoliko. Babasahon sa gabos na misa sa maabot na Domingo, May 9, 2010.
Monday, May 10th, 2010

Namomotan kong mga tugang sa pagtubod:

Saaga na ang eleksyon. Boot kong ipadagos an pag-gampan ko kan sakuyang katongdan bilang saindong Arzobispo, bilang sarong Pastor, sa pag-pagiromdom saindo.

Monday, April 5th, 2010

I am sincerely happy and grateful to be celebrating this Chrism Mass with you, especially with you, my brother priests. Up until this morning when I vested for our Mass, I was not sure I could make it. But the Lord is kind...and I stand here before you.

Sometime ago, I circularized my sincere gratitude to all of you. Everyday for more than fifty days in the hospital as a patient alongside other patients I felt in my pains to be carried on the wings of your prayers. I stands here as a concrete evidence of the power of your prayers especially to Ina.

Monday, April 5th, 2010

Mga tugang, patapos na an banal na panahon nin Cuaresma. Napapanahon na hapoton niato an satong sadiri: Ano na an naginibo niato tanganing makapuli kita sa Mahal na Dios?

Justisya sa Panahon nin Cuaresma
Saturday, February 20th, 2010

An piniling tema kan satuyang Santo Papa ngonyan na Cuaresma iyo an tema nin "Hustisya". Ini gikan sa inspirasyon kan Surat ni San Pablo sa mga Taga-Roma:  "An Kasuripotan nin  Mahal na Dios ipinahiling huli kan pagtubod ki Jesu Cristo"(Rom. 3: 21-22)

Ano an boot sabihin kan hustisya?

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