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BFAR Trains Inspectors, Stakeholders on Hygiene Practices in Fish Trading

Pili, Camarines Sur (27 October) -- The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) in Bicol has conducted a three-day training on the Sanitary Code of the Philippines and Requirements of Export Chain on October 7-9, 2010 at the Avenue Plaza Hotel, Naga City.

A total of 30 sanitary inspectors from Albay, Camarines Sur, Sorsogon and Catanduanes and fish traders of fresh/frozen fishery products, talangka and crab meat from Camarines Sur and Sorsogon were trained on Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) as required by the Sanitary Code and Export chains.

The Technical Related Training Assistance (TRTA) Project of the European Union (EU) sponsored the event.

Dr. Christopher Oates, a consultant of the TRTA shared a comprehensive lecture on the first day. He discussed the Food Safety Requirements for Export Markets and Technical Requirements of Inspection.

To apply the knowledge gained, the participants had a mock inspection in the fish processing facilities in Camaligan and Gainza, Camarines Sur on the second day.

The participants also attended a campaign on good hygiene practice on sanitation at Barangay Cagbunga in Gainza which was participated by BFAR Assistant Regional Director Marjurie Grutas, Mayor William Abilay, Barangay Chairman Eriberto Pablo, and the talangka gatherers and pre-processors as well. A press conference followed the campaign to further disseminate the importance of abiding with the sanitary code in the preparation of fishery products. (BFAR V/PIA/mal)