Panlilio Faces Grave Sanction
MANILA, Dec. 4, 2009- Suspended Catholic priest, Eddie Panlilio, current Pampanga governor, is facing a major sanction as he opted to continue his political career over his priesthood.
Laicization, a grave sanction that strips Panlilio of all ties to the priesthood, may be imposed on him for "disobeying" orders to quit from politics.
San Fernando Archbishop Paciano Aniceto said Panlilio has to abide the impending sanction "whether he likes it or not".
"He cannot disobey the church law twice. I'm sorry for that," he said.
The sanction, according to Aniceto, would finally allow the governor to take government office without violating church law.
Panlilio on Monday filed his certificate of candidacy for re-election under the Liberal Party, of which he is the Pampanga's provincial directorate.
Aniceto said the Catholic hierarchy will definitely have to initiate the necessary dispensation procedures for the priest-turned governor.
"That's a very sad decision because that means that he has to abide with the impending sanction that the church will impose on him," he added.
The archbishop said they have exerted all efforts to ask Panlilio to remain with them because he is a good priest.
"But now that he is running again we have to initiate the canonical process. He will not be working as a priest anymore," he also said.
Once dispensed from his clerical duties, there's no more turning back for Panlilio - he can no longer officiate in Masses and other sacraments for the rest of his life, another bishop said.
Archbishop Oscar Cruz, head of the Catholic bishops' dispensation office, earlier said Panlilio will be released from his priestly obligations the moment Pope Benedict XVI dispenses him.
Cruz added that Panlilio should have sought dispensation during his 2007 gubernatorial campaign. (Roy Lagarde)
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