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Lice infestations, dental problems afflict most public school children

Pili Camarines Sur (June 20, 2011) — Every other public school pupil in this capital town has head lice infestation and 7 in every 10 have dental problems - much higher than the national figures.

Pili Mayor Tomas P. Bongalonta Jr. said that the Department of Education (DEP-ED) statistics bared that at least 34% of elementary school children nationwide have head lice, but locally as many as 59% have hair parasites and about 70% have dental problems.

A hygine program for some 14, 822 elementary pupils in 29 public schools here, dubbed ‘Kalusugan sa Pili Ngayon” or “Kapiling,” was launched last week with an initial target beneficiary of 7,412 children of the Pili Central School, focusing particularly on treatment of lice, common dental problems and malnutrition among children.

Bongalonta revealed that “Kapiling” program is part of his 3-year development agenda from 2011 to 2013, with local government funds allocated for areas of concern like malnutrition, access to educational benefit, prevention of diseases and sanitation, and observance of personal hygiene among elementary public school pupils.

During the project launch at the Pili Elementary School, pupils were given anti-lice shampoo and soap and taught proper hand and hair washing. Tooth paste and tooth brushes were also given to the children.

An estimated 40,000 notebooks and slippers donated by various civic groups and firms were also given to pupils in grades 4,5, and 6 levels.

Other activities included in the program include deworming, free hair-cut, feeding program and installation of Olyset Nets on the windows of classrooms to prevent entry of dengue-carrying mosquitoes.

Dr. Antonio Raluta, Dep-ed Public School district supervisor said the package sanitation program is the only one among local governments in Camarines Sur.

Raluta said that the program gives  enormous benefits to public school children, considering that many of them come from families where hygiene and sanitation are often neglected by impoverished parents. (SONNY SALES)