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Content about Medicine

November 9, 2011


JACKSON, Mississippi (AP) — Mississippi voters Tuesday defeated a ballot initiative that would have declared life begins at fertilization, a proposal that supporters sought in the Bible Belt state as a way to prompt a legal challenge to abortion rights nationwide.

The so-called "personhood" initiative was rejected by more than 55 percent of voters, falling far short of the threshold needed for it to be enacted. If it had passed, it was virtually assured of drawing legal challenges because it conflicts with the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that established a legal right to abortion. Supporters of the initiative wanted to provoke a lawsuit to challenge the landmark ruling...

JACKSON, Mississippi (AP) — Mississippi voters Tuesday defeated a ballot initiative that would have declared life begins at fertilization, a proposal that supporters sought in the Bible Belt state as a way to prompt a legal challenge to abortion rights nationwide.

November 4, 2011

MANILA, Philippines (Nov. 4, 2011) – The 253 new cases recorded by the Department of Health (DOH) this September is an all-time high  on monthly basis and bring the total known cases of the dreaded viral disease in the Philippines to 7,684.

The report, prepared by the DOH’s National Epidemiology Center and released yesterday,  reveals a 65 percent increase over the 153 AIDS cases recorded in September 2010. Out of the 253 cases, 5 are already considered full-blown AIDS...

MANILA, Philippines (Nov. 4, 2011) – The 253 new cases recorded by the Department of Health (DOH) this September is an all-time high  on monthly basis and bring the total known cases of the dreaded viral disease in the Philippines to 7,684.

The report, prepared by the DOH’s National Epidemiology Center and released yesterday,  reveals a 65 percent increase over the 153 AIDS cases recorded in September 2010. Out of the 253 cases, 5 are already considered full-blown AIDS.

In August this year, 196 new HIV cases were recorded.

August 25, 2011

NAGA City, August 24 (PIA) -- The intermittent rainfall coupled with the varying weather condition proved to be the most auspicious breeding time for dengue-causing mosquitoes, particularly the Aedes Aegypti. This was disclosed by Naga City Health Officer Dr. Vito Borja amid the escalating increase of dengue cases here over the past few months.

NAGA City, August 24 (PIA) -- The intermittent rainfall coupled with the varying weather condition proved to be the most auspicious breeding time for dengue-causing mosquitoes, particularly the Aedes Aegypti. This was disclosed by Naga City Health Officer Dr. Vito Borja amid the escalating increase of dengue cases here over the past few months.

August 15, 2011

The director of the Union of Indonesian Family Planning in Kupang, in East Nusa Tenggara province, has warned young parishioners of the dangers that can occur as a result of engaging in casual sex.

June 21, 2011

Pili Camarines Sur (June 20, 2011) — Every other public school pupil in this capital town has head lice infestation and 7 in every 10 have dental problems - much higher than the national figures.

Pili Camarines Sur (June 20, 2011) — Every other public school pupil in this capital town has head lice infestation and 7 in every 10 have dental problems - much higher than the national figures.

Pili Mayor Tomas P. Bongalonta Jr. said that the Department of Education (DEP-ED) statistics bared that at least 34% of elementary school children nationwide have head lice, but locally as many as 59% have hair parasites and about 70% have dental problems.

June 17, 2011

There are many causes of diabetes that people are not even aware of. The fact is that this disease is not friendly in any way as it causes more harm than good. Therefore, it must be avoided as much as possible. The only way by which the disease can be avoided is to identify its causes and guide against those causes. Avoiding its causes will go a long way in controlling the disease.

By Oluseyi Sogaolu

Causes of diabetes include excess consumption of sugar and high quantity of refined carbohydrates. Other causes of diabetes can be due to voracious eating, overweight and obesity. This ailment develops in all age categories but it is more frequent among older and middle aged people. As a result of people's eating habits nowadays, there are many cases of this deadly disease compared to what was obtainable some years back.

June 15, 2011

The news of cancer is devastating for most. What if you discovered a highly stressful event 2 years prior had caused your cancer, and that the unresolved emotional pain was still fueling the cancer. This would be very empowering for the cancer survivor who realized if they had created their cancer, then they could uncreate it, by healing their emotions.

By Glen Russell

June 15, 2011

Cancer is the most harmful and severe disease in the world. It seriously threatens human life. This article will tell you what food can effectively kill the cancer cells in the body, so as to make you away from cancer.

By Lv Hongyu

Cancer is the most harmful and severe disease in the world. It seriously threatens human life. This article will tell you what food can effectively kill the cancer cells in the body, so as to make you away from cancer.

June 8, 2011

MANILA, Philippines (June 6 2011) (Xinhua) - The controversial reproductive health (RH) bill has finally been endorsed for plenary debates at the Senate, but discussions and voting on the legislation will take place in July as Congress goes on recess on Thursday.

MANILA, Philippines (June 6 2011) (Xinhua) - The controversial reproductive health (RH) bill has finally been endorsed for plenary debates at the Senate, but discussions and voting on the legislation will take place in July as Congress goes on recess on Thursday.

Twenty senators signed Committee Report No. 49 of the Senate committees on finance, health and demography, and youth, women and family relations, paving the way for heated arguments, just like in the House of Representatives, on whether to allow or not unhindered public access to contraceptives.

June 7, 2011

Naga City (June 6 2011) – Three victims of a boat fire incident in the town of Pasacao died yesterday at the Bicol Medical Center (BMC) because of multiple  internal organ failure and dehydration due to severe burns.

Naga City (June 6 2011) – Three victims of a boat fire incident in the town of Pasacao died yesterday at the Bicol Medical Center (BMC) because of multiple  internal organ failure and dehydration due to severe burns.

This was confirmed by the management of the BMC in a press briefing this morning.

Nathan Balbona, the boat captain, Fernan Ragot and Joebert Mangarin, both crewmen of the cargo vessel, died in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Their bodies have been brought to their hometown Mabini in Romblon province.

May 19, 2011

LEGAZPI CITY, May 18 (PIA) --- Count out Malaria and Dengue Now! This is the strong battle cry from the World Health Organization (WHO) particularly for the Philippines in support to the efforts of the Department of Health (DOH) in implementing the National Malaria Strategic Plan for 2011-2016 and strengthening the National Dengue Prevention and Control Programme.

LEGAZPI CITY, May 18 (PIA) --- Count out Malaria and Dengue Now!

This is the strong battle cry from the World Health Organization (WHO) particularly for the Philippines in support to the efforts of the Department of Health (DOH) in implementing the National Malaria Strategic Plan for 2011-2016 and strengthening the National Dengue Prevention and Control Programme.

April 13, 2011

Sorry to say, the Secretary talks out of turn when he warns LGUs especially the barangay not to enact ordinances that “prohibit the promotion, sale, distribution and purchase of contraceptives such as condoms and pills.”

1. Sorry to say, the Secretary talks out of turn when he warns LGUs especially the barangay not to enact ordinances that “prohibit the promotion, sale, distribution and purchase of contraceptives such as condoms and pills.”

(a) The powers of the DILG which he heads have been emasculated by the adoption of the Local Government Code.

As secretary, he can no longer order LGUs around especially the barangay.

March 28, 2011

Reproductive health” (RH) appears laudable, especially if avowed to help our poverty-challenged people or provide care, information, and other assistance for well-being. Who doesn’t want to be healthy, particularly among our women who bring new life to the world?

Reproductive health” (RH) appears laudable, especially if avowed to help our poverty-challenged people or provide care, information, and other assistance for well-being. Who doesn’t want to be healthy, particularly among our women who bring new life to the world?

But as always, the devil is in the details. If we examine the entire consolidated RH Bill 4244, it totally disregards the unborn. You don’t even find the word “unborn.” On this score, the bill is unconstitutional for it obviously violates Equal Protection.

February 7, 2011

LEGAZPI CITY, (4 February 2011) – The jail warden of this city is in hot water after Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA ) agents seized from a cell some eight sachets of dried marijuana during a surprised inspection last January 31, according to a high official of the drug enforcement agency.

LEGAZPI CITY, (4 February 2011) – The jail warden of this city is in hot water after Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA ) agents seized from a cell some eight sachets of dried marijuana during a surprised inspection last January 31, according to a high official of the drug enforcement agency.

Gen. Pedrito Magsino (Retired), PDEA Bicol regional director, disclosed yesterday (Feb. 3) that during a surprised inspection of the city jail compound their drug sniffing K9 dogs pointed to the location of the eight sachets dried marijuana leaves.

January 4, 2011

If Filipinos had dreamed that public health care may improve under the new Aquino government, which packaged itself as an agent of change with a “health for all” agenda during the election campaign, its 2010 performance would come as a nasty shock. The recently signed national budget and the cuts it inflicted on public health spending for 2011 signify the opposite of change.

If Filipinos had dreamed that public health care may improve under the new Aquino government, which packaged itself as an agent of change with a “health for all” agenda during the election campaign, its 2010 performance would come as a nasty shock. The recently signed national budget and the cuts it inflicted on public health spending for 2011 signify the opposite of change.

November 29, 2010

In order to clarify what the faithful might perceive as a change in the position of the Church on the use of condoms, the Archdiocese of Caceres issues this statement.

In an interview regarding his new book entitled “Light of the World: the Pope, the Church and the Signs of the Times,” Pope Benedict XVI said that the use of condoms may be a sign of moral responsibility in some specific situations when the intention is to reduce the risk of HIV infection. In order to clarify what the faithful might perceive as a change in the position of the Church on the use of condoms, the Archdiocese of Caceres issues this statement.

November 28, 2010

The Great Condom Debate has entered Round Two. Now it looks like Pope Benedict XVI has really said something he has never said before. That would be news.

The Great Condom Debate has entered Round Two. Now it looks like Pope Benedict XVI has really said something he has never said before. That would be news. But it looks like it’s really, really news because now the apparent change (or at least the camel’s nose wedge) in Church teaching is even more dramatic.