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Dengue cases surge in Naga City and Camarines Sur

NAGA City, August 24 (PIA) -- The intermittent rainfall coupled with the varying weather condition proved to be the most auspicious breeding time for dengue-causing mosquitoes, particularly the Aedes Aegypti. This was disclosed by Naga City Health Officer Dr. Vito Borja amid the escalating increase of dengue cases here over the past few months.

In an interview, Borja acknowledged that dengue re-emergence is admittedly one of the major health problems that need to be urgently addressed not just by the local health authorities but also of the members of the community. He said that dengue threatens survival while and endangers the most vulnerable member of the family, the children.

Naga City posted a total of 287 dengue cases from January to August 22, 2011. This is 78.28 per cent higher as compared to the cases recorded last year covering the same period. Seventy-nine (79) cases, the highest number of dengue occurrence were registered during the month of July, followed by 54 cases listed on the month of June. It was also during these months where two (2) casualties, emanated.

Barangays Trianggulo, Calauag, Concepcion Pequeña, Sabang and Tinago all of Naga City indexed a considerable increase in dengue cases during the last two (2) quarters.

While the number of dengue cases continues to ascend, Borja said that everything is still under control.

”We have enough blood to sustain the need of our patients like blood transfusion or the provision of platelets. The local government is also doing its part in giving assistance, especially to the indigents. We just need to sustain our effort in strengthening the clean up drive and intensify the level of awareness of the members of the community that cleanliness is still the best solution to get rid of these dengue-carrying mosquitoes,” Borja said in closing.

The province of Camarines Sur on the other hand, reported a total of 210 dengue cases, with male as the most affected gender. This was the collated report coming from various provincial sentinel sites from January to August 13, 2011. Most of the cases were from Bula, with 17 cases, Pamplona – 13; Camaligan -12 and Calabanga and Pili, both with 11 cases. (LSM, PIA Camarines Sur)