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CBCP Welcomes Reappointment of PH Envoy to Vatican

MANILA, Dec. 4, 2010—The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has welcomed Friday the reappointment of the Mercedes Arrastia-Tuason as Philippine Ambassador to the Holy See.

Tandag Bishop Nereo Odchimar, CBCP President, said the Catholic hierarchy “respects” the government decision to retain Tuason, as they look forward to working with her.

“We have learned that she is pro-life and that she was also active in the church and we are very happy with that,” Odchimar said.

“We hope to work with her and discuss what areas of cooperation and collaboration we can get involved in,” he said.

According to the CBCP head, the office of the ambassador “will be a vital link between the Philippine Church and the Holy See.

Henrietta de Villa, former Philippine Ambassador to the Vatican, also lauded the reappointment of Tuason, saying that she has been doing a “good job.”

“I’m very glad for that because she (Tuason) is really a church person,” said De Villa, a consultor to the Pontifical Council Cor Unum which assists the pope in carrying out his charity works.

Tuason was among the political ambassadors who took their oath of office before President Aquino in Malacañang on Thursday.

Asked on some of her priorities, Tuason said will be working on a possible visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the Philippines, as well as Aquino’s meeting with the pontiff. (CBCPNews)