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Albay Cops First to Undergo "Back to Basics" Training

CAMP SIMEON OLA. Legazpi City (12 January) - - THE FIRST BATCH of policemen from the Municipal Police Station (MPS) in Bacacay, Albay is the first to undergo a “back-to- basics” training here in Bikol following a national directive issued by PNP Director General Raul M. Bacalzo last November and reiterated in a pronouncement last January 5.

Bikol PNP spokesman, Police Chief Insp. Pelagio Ursua Samson Jr., said that the training program had already started last Monday (Jan. 10) with Police Sr. Supt. Victor Pelota Deona as the guest of honor during the opening rites  in this camp.

40 personnel of the Bacacay MPS under Chief of Police, Sr. Insp.  Rafael Alpin will go through a week-long classroom instruction and practical exercise.

The re-training program will cover aspects on police investigation; proper first-responders’ actions and procedures; crime scene preservation management; case build-up; proper use of firearms; arrest and handcuffing techniques; and good manners.

Samson said the Regional Public Safety Battalion (5RPSB) and the Albay Public Safety Company (APSC) will temporarily man the police station of Bacacay, Albay, until such time the entire municipal police force has completed the course.

Simultaneous with the “back-to-basics” program, the Police Regional Office-5 also celebrated the nationwide, “17th PNP Ethics Day” in this camp.

A major directive of the Chief PNP is the “moral recovery program and ethical reforms” of the PNP. (SONNY SALES)