Touring Germany
Monday, July 19th, 2010

It is high summer in Germany and indeed this year's July seems to break earlier records in temperatures. Normally Germans consider it summer already when temperatures go above 30°C for one week in the year. This July however we here are already on our third week of heat above 35°C. Further, it  rarely cools down over night and it hardly rains.

How do Germans cope these days?

Touring Germany
Sunday, June 27th, 2010

32 national teams qualified and were invited to the Soccer World Cup in South Africa. 32 teams were arranged in eight groups of four. The FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) placed a front runner in every group from A to H and then drew other nations to the groups via lottery, considering in the procedure that nations of all continents are well mixed up and yet also fairly arranged according to their ranking.

Touring Germany
Sunday, June 13th, 2010

The pressure is on, you feel it - But you've got it all, believe it. When you fall, get up; and if you fall get up Tsamina mina´ Zangalewa, Cuz this is Africa - Tsamina mina, Waka Waka, this time for Africa!

So sang Shakira last Thursday night in the Orlando Stadium in Soweto, Johannesburg. Indeed, this time is for Africa.

Touring Germany
Monday, May 24th, 2010

Some forces never fade but accompany us any day, anywhere, anytime, through all our life.

We experience anxiety and arrogance, despondency and distraction, we know disappointment and despair. Doubts and faint enter our thinking as do uncertainty and helplessness. Fear and failure, quarrel and resignation are not strange to us, neither are envy and pride. All of these we know, all of these are with us, in our life, in our being. And all of these are normal, are common and ordinary.

Touring Germany
Monday, April 5th, 2010

Have you ever taken a pill against fever? Have you listened to heartwarming piece of music? Or looked at a breathtaking painting or read an outstanding piece of literature? Have you yet enjoyed the conveniences of pleasant gadget or merely taken advantage of how food is processed? We all have experiences like that and we easily praise the good results, the turnouts and the final, well working product we consume or make good use of.

Touring Germany
Sunday, March 21st, 2010

Last Thursday I attended the second Taizé evening service in St. Anna Parish in Bamberg. Fr. Johannes Trai chose Edith Stein as the saint for the service and the meditation on her delivered by Andrea Borneis struck me as something long known, yet long taken for granted:

Edith Stein was indeed a seeker. What she sought in her life was truth. But what, so we ask, what is truth?

Touring Germany
Monday, February 22nd, 2010

It is „half-time" in Germany. The academic year has reached Carnival and Ash-Wednesday, the time where German students receive their reports on their performance so far. All exams are written, all grades are completed, all documents are submitted and now they all hold in hands the report about how the first half of the year went for them. We all pause for a number of days and breathe.

Touring Germany
Monday, February 8th, 2010

Oh, we know our place. We know almost every corner, every tree and wall, every neighbor and dog in the place we live. We know every move and sound; we even know the smell of mornings and evenings. We know our place so well that we no longer see what all is so special about it, as it has already become something regular, something granted.

Touring Germany
Sunday, January 24th, 2010

Being a teacher I enter my classes and see the future, the coming generation, those who will form the society we will live in tomorrow. I look at them and I see an increase of loss of values, loss of orientation, loss of sense. All of these are visible via many symptoms among which a very alarming one is the increase of alcohol abuse among students. Not all are into drinking of course, but over the years the number of those who are, has remarkably grown.

Touring Germany
Saturday, January 9th, 2010

In December 2009 the Act on Economic Growth Acceleration passed the German Parliament. This act is a response to the world economic crisis and the intention is to reduce taxes so that people keep more money to spend on consuming. This - so the idea - should well promote the re-growth of German economy.

Touring Germany
Sunday, December 27th, 2009

Germany's president Horst Köhler spoke to the nation this Christmas. One might wonder and ask: Does Germany have a President? Does it not have a Chancellor? And in fact that is correct. True political power in Germany is concentrated in the position of the Chancellor, who happens to be Angela Merkel.

Touring Germany
Monday, December 14th, 2009

Unpack your sack, St. Nikolaus

I've been well-behaved, as everyone knows.

I am an honest child - you know this for sure -

listening to my Mom, not annoying her.

I never teased my sister all year,

never took her toys nor put her to fear.

Unpack your sack, St. Nikolaus

I've been well-behaved, as everyone knows

I'm nice and kind and early to bed

close my eyes right away. I am a good lad.

Touring Germany
Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

It appears to me that ever since couples had kids they at the same time had the trouble of putting them to bed in the evenings. I believe all cultures have their "strategies" to finally get their offspring to sleep. Many would read bedtime stories or fairytales to them, before or after that they say a prayer with them, and then hope they fall sleepy and end up dozing away.

Touring Germany
Monday, November 16th, 2009

November 9, 2009. Paris is singing for freedom. Thousands have gathered on the Palace de la Concorde to celebrate Germany and Europe. In Los Angeles a wall is being torn down. In Warsaw people are dancing on a wall and another wall is bricked up on the Spanish Stairs in Rome. In London a wall of ice bricks is gradually fading, melting till disappear. November 9 is a day the world celebrates with Germany.

It is the day the Berlin Wall fell.

Touring Germany
Monday, November 2nd, 2009

It is autumn in Germany, the leaves have long started to turn into all shades of red and yellow and are now thrown.  Walking the place has yet again become a special experience, as on cold, misty and sunless days one moves through these warm colors, causing a gentle noise of rustling leaves with every step one takes.

Touring Germany
Sunday, October 18th, 2009

It is true, swine flu has spread across the world rapidly and the WHO has long warned of that global pandemic. Worldwide there were an estimated 28000 infections and more than 1000 kills in August '09 already, so the WHO. This had its effect on the entire world. They all got prepared for the pandemic, like the States and Australia, which immediately ordered pure vaccines.

Touring Germany
Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

Last September 27 was election Sunday and all Germany was called to vote for the new Federal German Parliament (Bundestag). The political landscape has changed much in the last decades and the number of parties running for parliament has increased. Back some 20 years ago Germany had two main parties, the Conservatives on the right wing, being CDU/CSU and the Social-Democrats, SPD, on the left.

Touring Germany
Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009

Look around these days, and see all the people roaming the place. How different they all are, what various places and backgrounds they all come from; Nagueños and Bikolanos, but also Filipinos from other regions, young ones and elderly ones, kids and adults, men and women, priests, laymen, famous and ordinary people, ones are excited, others are cool, still others are serious or contemplative and again others are loud and shouting.

Touring Germany
Sunday, September 6th, 2009

We are living in times of recession and we all try to make do with the reduced resources we now have. In Germany the government worked hard and made many an effort to not hand down to the voters the full consequences of the global economic depression.

Touring Germany
Monday, August 24th, 2009

Last week I went to celebrate my sister in law's 50th birthday. As many times on such occasions, like on weddings, baptisms or other anniversaries, one gets to meet people from beyond one's usual circles. People, strangers in fact, who one suddenly shares stories to and gets to hear stories from.

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