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Catanduanes State Colleges has new president

Dr. Morales formally assumes CSC presidency in turnover rites
TURNOVER – Dr. Asuncion V. Asetre symbolically hands over the CSC Mace to her successor, the new CSC President, Dr. Minerva I. Morales (in white overcoat), including vital institutional documents during the Turnover Ceremonies of CSC Presidency. (Photo by RAM/CSC MIS)
TURNOVER – Dr. Asuncion V. Asetre symbolically hands over the CSC Mace to her successor, the new CSC President, Dr. Minerva I. Morales (in white overcoat), including vital institutional documents during the Turnover Ceremonies of CSC Presidency. (Photo by RAM/CSC MIS)

VIRAC, Catanduanes (July 20, 2011) - Dr. Minerva I. Morales, the new president of the Catanduanes State Colleges, formally started her term of office on July 18, 2011 during a simple but historic turnover ceremony at the CSC Main Building Front Grounds after the Monday Flag Ceremony attended by CSC employees and students.

Outgoing Catanduanes State Colleges (CSC) President Asuncion V. Asetre handed over to Dr. Morales the symbolic CSC Mace and vital institutional documents.

An established academician and research professional, Dr. Morales became the sixth President of the CSC when she was sworn into office by the Commission on Higher Education Chairperson Patricia B. Licuanan immediately after garnering the majority vote from CSC Board of Trustees on July 14, 2011.

During the turnover rites, Dr. Morales accepted with “deep humility and reverence the mandate” given her as President of the Catanduanes State Colleges. She also thanked those who “walked with me in this journey; for believing that this is not a personal pursuit but a larger and noble mission of continuing the legacy of service to the Catanduanes State Colleges.”

Dr. Morales also especially thanked her predecessor, Dr. Asuncion V. Asetre, for the groundwork she established in various areas of the Colleges’ operation, “upon which we shall continue to strengthen for the optimum benefit CSC clientele and to those who will come after us.”

Dr. Morales likewise acknowledged the challenges of steering the institution, which she referred as “a stewardship that calls for careful and responsible management of entrusted tasks.”

“With the work ethics and philosophy, the vision, mission and programs that I have spelled out during my candidacy, I know, the journey will be fruitful, and many are willing, able and inspired to be part of the transformation and transforming services for the Catanduanes State Colleges," she added.

The new president emphasized the sense of belongingness she has fostered in the institution. “CSC is home and family. With this profound affinity, I have harnessed the gift of foresight for CSC. I can walk around the campus with ease. In fact, when I reported to office this day, I did the usual thing in my every working day—I walked my way from home to office on this brand new morning,” she added.

Speaking before a crowd nostalgic and hopeful about ‘comings and goings’, Dr. Morales shared that when she decided to apply for the presidency, she was not distracted by the stressful dynamics that goes with the usual competition.

She said: “Instead, I patiently and quietly navigated the course. I did not allow myself to be affected by the intramurals. With prayerful thoughts, I mustered the challenges. That’s the gift of wisdom that I have nurtured in walking, and in walking on.”

She finally enjoined the CSC community to keep moving on. "Magtarabang sana kita. Let’s help one another. I count everyone's involvement; I acknowledge the potential and capacity of each member of the CSC family to be part of this task.”

Dr. Morales built her career in the academe starting as Instructor I. She now holds the Professor VI academic rank, with combined multidisciplinary expertise both both in theory and practice in aquaculture, research and development and educational management.

She also held various administrative posts such as College Secretary, Officer in Charge of Research and Extension Services, Director for Research Services and Vice President for Research, Extension and Production Affairs. She was also designated 15 times as Officer-in-Charge of the Catanduanes State Colleges.

Her researches have likewise won numerous regional, zonal, national and international awards. Aside from being a Rotarian, she is also active in civic programs along the areas of environment, livelihood, and cooperativism. In the course of her various administrative designations, she has drafted numerous proposals, formulated manuals, guidelines, and mechanics which later served as basis and groundwork in the research, extension, production and instruction functions of the Colleges.

She has also spearheaded the establishment of institutional programs in research and production as well as in the conduct of feasibility studies that merited financial support from funding agencies. (Gerry S. Rubio)