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Content about Catanduanes State Colleges

July 20, 2011

VIRAC, Catanduanes (July 20, 2011) - Dr. Minerva I. Morales, the new president of the Catanduanes State Colleges, formally started her term of office on July 18, 2011 during a simple but historic turnover ceremony at the CSC Main Building Front Grounds after the Monday Flag Ceremony attended by CSC employees and students.

VIRAC, Catanduanes (July 20, 2011) - Dr. Minerva I. Morales, the new president of the Catanduanes State Colleges, formally started her term of office on July 18, 2011 during a simple but historic turnover ceremony at the CSC Main Building Front Grounds after the Monday Flag Ceremony attended by CSC employees and students.

Outgoing Catanduanes State Colleges (CSC) President Asuncion V. Asetre handed over to Dr. Morales the symbolic CSC Mace and vital institutional documents.

January 3, 2011

A three-year community development project was launched by the Catanduanes State Colleges at Buyo District, Virac, in partnership with the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office, Virac Municipal Government and the Diocese of Virac.

A three-year community development project was launched by the Catanduanes State Colleges at Buyo District, Virac, in partnership with the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office, Virac Municipal Government and the Diocese of Virac.

The project, which has five components—environmental management, livelihood and entrepreneurial skills development, literacy and values education and health and nutrition—was formally launched through a MOA signing among the CSC and partner agencies on December 22, 2010.

December 29, 2010

For embodying the idealism of a youth patriot, student rights’ advocate and journalist, the CSC Statesman’s First Semester, SY 2010-2011 issue bagged the First Cris Hugo Excellence Award in Campus Journalism.

Another regional citation was earned by the official tertiary student publication of the Catanduanes State Colleges (CSC) at the close of 2010.

For embodying the idealism of a youth patriot, student rights’ advocate and journalist, the CSC Statesman’s First Semester, SY 2010-2011 issue bagged the First Cris Hugo Excellence Award in Campus Journalism.