Saturday, November 21st, 2009

MANILA - The more your hear and see the less you know. This seems to best describe what politicians articulate during press conferences and say in public, the current leading candidates for president included. They seem merely content with vague slogans: for Sen. Noynoy Aquino - "pagbabago" (change), Sen. Manny Villar - "sipag at tiyaga" (industriousness and persistence), Defense Sec.

Monday, November 9th, 2009

Senator Chiz Escudero created quite a stir when he bolted from the Nationalist People's Coalition (NPC) at a time when he was almost certain to bag the party's nomination. But there are rumors that one of the reasons behind his decision was the alleged unwillingness of the "Boss" Eduardo 'Danding' Cojuangco to throw his full support, financially, to Escudero's campaign.

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

MANILA - He has been hinting it ever since he made himself visible again by embarking on provincial sorties. Thus, when former president Joseph "Erap" Estrada announced, at the end of a 30-minute speech, that he would run for president again, nobody was surprised. Every one was expecting it even if the majority opinion is that his running for reelection violates the 1987 Constitution.

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009

MANILA - Who believes the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) when it said that Corporal Guerrero Hannival Mosura Mondido of the Marines was not conducting surveillance but merely undergoing a training session on intelligence work when he was caught spying on the house of National Artist Bienvenido Lumbera at 6 a.m. of Sept. 17?

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

MANILA - Gauging from President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's ninth State of the Nation Address, it is going to be business as usual. She would not veer away from the economic policies that she has implemented in the past. These are the very same policies that made the Filipino people vulnerable to the world economic crisis and to price manipulations and speculative attacks by corporations wanting to pass on the burden of the crisis to the people.

Sunday, July 26th, 2009

MANILA - It is the State of the Nation Address once again. The true state of the country is again the subject of debates. Surely, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo would boast about the economic growth and its supposed success in shielding the economy from the impact of the world economic and financial crisis, the infrastructure projects the government was able to finish such as the Clark to Subic highway, and, probably, its peace overtures with the National Democratic Front of the Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.

The Cha-Cha See-Saw Battle
Sunday, June 14th, 2009
MANILA - The Filipino people's vote against the convening of a constituent assembly has been cast. Between 10,000 to 15,000 people joined the rally in Makati on June 10 to show their indignation over the railroading of House Resolution 1109, which provides for the convening of Congress into a constituent assembly with the Senate and House voting as one.
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