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Shunning Traditional Political Parties, an Act of Political Suicide?

Senator Chiz Escudero created quite a stir when he bolted from the Nationalist People's Coalition (NPC) at a time when he was almost certain to bag the party's nomination. But there are rumors that one of the reasons behind his decision was the alleged unwillingness of the "Boss" Eduardo 'Danding' Cojuangco to throw his full support, financially, to Escudero's campaign. Escudero, on the other hand, claims that his decision to bolt the NPC stems from his belief that a candidate for president should be free from all the fetters of party loyalty and political debts.

Escudero's announcement bolting the NPC was described by the media as a "bombshell". A lot of people were stunned. However, when the shock subsided, the prevailing thinking among the media and politicians alike is that Escudero committed 'political suicide'. Political pundits added that no candidate for president has ever won without a political party.

What is it about political parties that supposedly spell victory or doom for a presidential candidate?

Historically in democratic countries such as the US, Britain, and Western Europe, political parties were distinguished from each other based on their platforms. A party may be considered as left-of-center such as labour parties of Western Europe that are known for social reforms and welfare states, liberal such as the Democratic Party of the US, and conservative as the Tories of Britain and the Republicans of the US that are known for fundamentalist positions and neo-classical economic policies. A candidate for president or prime minister should thus belong to a political party that corresponds to his or her political beliefs and platform of government. An independent could run for the highest position in the country but he or she should clarify how his or her position and platform is different from the other candidates and parties. However, independent candidates rarely win because majority of the citizens belong and are loyal to a political party, which corresponds to their views, positions, and desired government. Thus, an independent candidate has the disadvantage of not having a mass base, a machinery for the campaign and poll watching, and of course, resources.