The View From Pacol
Friday, April 3rd, 2009

OCTOBER is the month when public school students go into a week-long break ending the first semester of the school year. The break also allows their teachers to attend training arranged by their respective division or district offices.

I was reminded of this after my wife, who teaches geometry at Camarines Sur National High School, was extra-busy last week – as Math club president, she had to oversee their departmental in-service training and aside from that prepare something to share to fellow math teachers.

For Bikol and the World
Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

“Follow the money.” This was Deep Throat’s most famous tip to Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward in exposing the Watergate cover-up that led to U.S. President Nixon’s resignation.

God's Global Household
Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

IN ONE OF MY CONVERSATIONS with one of the Bikol writers over a cup of coffee and pastries, I shared my opinion on language, particularly on Bikol language.  I must admit that I am not in a position to speak authoritatively about Bikol language and culture.  Nevertheless, I can always give my opinion based on my perception and I am open to accept c

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

It was a Saturday. I am not now sure if it was the 21st of September or the 20th. Through the sheer machinations of the dictator, the documents were ill-dated, post-dated like a bad check. It was a carte blanche, a blank check that would allow those who found themselves suddenly in power to write off debts through repressed memory; or to cause some to be indebted in jail.

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

The adage is true:  health is really wealth.  When you are healthy and in tiptop shape, money is of no consequence.  But if you get sick, really sick, then, your loads of money will have gone away in a breeze.

Sato Ini
Monday, November 19th, 2007

Satong sineselebrar ngunyan an Solemnidad nin Satong Kagurangnan, an Kristong Hade.

Para sa mga mayo nin pagtubod, an pagkahade ni Jesus saro sanang pag-ulog-ulog kan satong pagkatawo. Ini an paghuna ni Nietzsche. Dakulang ulang sa pag-uswag nin tawo an pagtubod na igwa nin Dyos, na sya Hade, alagad nakapako sa kruz. An kaisipan na ini, para sa saiya, sarong karungawan. Ini an dahilan kun kaya saiyang ibinariwas sa bilog na kinaban na Gadan an Dyos.

(Preventing the wolves from maiming the lambs)
Thursday, October 25th, 2007
The uproar over Cris Anthony Mendez’ death on August 27, 2007 due to hazing was clear early on, as if the crime doers will not escape justice.  The desire for retribution was as blistering as the sadness the nation had to bear.  

UP President Emerlinda Roman ostensibly promised to bring the perpetrators to justice, a big job to tackle against the 12 Sigma Rho fraternity members (fratmen) charged with the Mendez’ death. Ageing Jovito Salonga resigned from the frat which seemed evasive, but cryptically called for “finding the truth” after a characteristic long silence.
Thursday, October 25th, 2007
An uncle on the father side passed away in the town of Calamba. The whole family has moved there years ago, leaving the quiet lakeside village of Santa Elena in Buhi for a more prosperous life in that Tagalog town. Except for the eldest, all the other children moved there. 
Sato Ini
Thursday, October 25th, 2007

An katanosan itinatao sa tawo na dai kaipuhan magpasalamat. Ini pangangaipo nin tawo na nagbubunga nin obligasyon sa iba na ini itao sa saiya. An pribilehiyo pwedeng itao, pwedeng dai itao. Asin kun ini itao, dapat na an nag-ako kaini magpasalamat huli ta ini hali sa karahayan-boot kan kagtao.

An katanosan pangangaipo nin tawo tanganing sya magin ganap na tawo. An pribilehiyo dai kaipuhan sa saiyang pagpapakatawo.

Thursday, October 25th, 2007
Last week, this paper published an article of entitled "The Youth and the Penafrancia Fiesta."  It instantly caught my curiosity. Aside from the fact that the opinion page rarely features the views of another generation, the recent well-meaning exchanges in print and radio regarding the Penafrancia Fiesta are more than enough to make me want to know a new take on the topic. Allow me to join the fray.
God's Global Household
(Part One of Two)
Thursday, October 25th, 2007
LONELINESS IS a painful reality.  It can appear as a faint dis-ease, an inner dissatisfaction, and a restlessness in the heart.  It is part of being human, because there is nothing in existence that can completely fulfill the needs of the human heart.
Mayon Limited
Thursday, October 25th, 2007

AN PAG-ORGOLYO sa sadiring rona dai naipapahiling sa paghangaw sana kan mga tataramon na “orgolyo ko an banwaan ko” o kun bako man “ogma ako na ako Bikolano.”  Ini isinasabuhay, siring dugong minadalagan sa satong mga ugat asin siring man sa doros na satong hinahangos.

The View From Pacol
Thursday, October 25th, 2007
WHEN Kristian Cordero approached me to do a review of Andrew Recepcion’s “God’s Global Household -- A Theology of Mission in the Context of Globalization,” I hesitated initially, considering that I belong to a different faith: I am a Jehovah’s Witness.

Kristian, however, said the author wouldn’t mind having a non-Catholic do it; after all, we are neighbors at the Vox Bikol opinion page. Having said that, let me proceed with my thoughts on this book.
The View From Pacol
Thursday, October 25th, 2007

I READ through the transcript of Thursday's Senate committee hearing on the controversial National Broadband Network (NBN).  And in the end, I get the feeling that just like the Cyber Education Project, the NBN started out as a good idea that later metamorphosed into a sort of a Frankenstein project, no thanks to the usual suspects in the Arroyo regime.

Thursday, October 25th, 2007

There’s no other and better way to aptly put a title to this feature article than what the acronym in the name of the establishment stands for and the character that it, too, wants to project.  Yes, AMF Gallery Café is a haven for Arts, Music and Food lovers, and at the same time, is a bed-and -breakfast hostel for tourists and travelers in Bikol.

Colgante tragedy remembered
Thursday, October 25th, 2007

The piece with the title The End of the Hanging Bridge merited a comment from Ivan Yuboco who recalled he was a 10-year old kid when the Colgante tragedy happened. Ivan has many questions arising out of the “conflicting accounts” of what happened that day.

Thursday, October 25th, 2007
I write this surrounded by stacks of boxes and heaps of papers. Our office, the Japanese Studies Program, is moving with the rest of the departments to this spanking elegant structure of a building. We are leaving this white building that is set up like a paradigm shift and into the clean lines of the new Social Science Building.
Thursday, October 25th, 2007

My next feature article on food and dining brings me back to Barlin Street.  The last time I made a feature on food joints on this street was in the summer of this year where I visited Sinulog Grill, Barlin Barlin Hot Plate and Cattlemens Restaurant.

God's Global Household
Thursday, October 25th, 2007

The path to healing brings one to the path to freedom.  The way to freedom is a matter of choice.  Compulsions that come in the forms of needs and fears are at the root of un-freedom.  However, behind compulsive needs, one discovers anguish.  The road that leads to freedom is never easy for it involves a real struggle.  Embarking on the road to freedom is possible when one is no longer governed by compulsions or passions.  Authentic freedom h

God's Global Household
Thursday, October 25th, 2007

I DID NOT WANT to write about Auschwitz after visiting it because the suffering inflicted on humanity by the Nazis cannot be captured in few sentences.  However, the personal experience of seeing the extermination camp has kept me thinking about the power of evil to eliminate difference and at the same time the power of love to triumph over suffering and death.

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