
Thursday, September 16th, 2010

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The whole Bikol region celebrates with special significance the "Peñafrancia Fiesta" this week. The region-and not Naga City alone-celebrates this week the 300th anniversary of the devotion to INA, the Virgin of Peñafrancia. In other words, what devotees celebrate is not a 300 year old image, but that special relationship with INA that took root here, 300 years ago.

In itself, that duration for a religious devotion is remarkable and is a cause for celebration. But at a time when the Filipino identity is being assailed domestically and internationally due to the unfortunate hostage-taking incident of August 23, the Tercentenary Celebration of the Devotion to INA may hold greater consequence than we thought it did. For the celebration gives us pause to consider our identity as Bikolanos (which is no less Filipino) that had been formed in us by and through this 300 year old devotion.

In some parts of the world, slurs about "being Filipino" have surfaced and we as a nation have been derided and ridiculed for the hostage-taking incident which resulted to the loss of several lives, and for our government's deplorable handling of that situation. A consequent self-abnegation fell upon many of us that it has been asked again who we are as a nation or who we have become.

The Bikolano is a devotee of INA: this is our identity as a people that had been wrought in us by the last three centuries. This identity marks us, specifying the kind of virtues we have, the kind of individuals we are. We are not all Rolando Mendozas; conversely, not all are devotees of INA. The devotee of INA will not undertake what Mendoza had done: for INA's devotee respects and honors human life.

The celebration of the Tercentenary is a celebration of our identity as devotees of INA. It celebrates this amidst events which call to question the Filipinos' identity, which derides that identity. As Bikolanos and as Filipinos, the Tercentenary reminds us of who we have become in the last 300 years: a people steadfast in faith, generous, determined, and well-accomplished. At the same time, this celebration enjoins us to strive further towards who we are called to be: a community devoted to and blessed by INA and her Son.

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