DAET, Camarines Norte (Nov. 6, 2011) – A security aide of Camarines Norte Governor Edgardo “Egay” Tallado was wounded in an ambush carried out by motorcycle-riding suspects but managed to fire back at the suspects killing one of them.
Camarines Norte Police director, Sr. Supt. Roberto Bigay Fajardo identified the security aide as retired policeman SPO4 Roni Bardon who sustained non-fatal wounds in the head and shoulder.
According to police report, early evening Friday (Nov. 4) Bardon was driving a Nissan Urvan along San Vicente Road in Barangay Lag-on in this capital town when two supects riding in a motorbike overtook him and fired successive shots directed at the vehicle .
Brandon was able to fire back with his service pistol and killed the suspect riding at the back of the bike. The bike driver wearing a black leather jacket managed to escape towards the direction of Barangay Alawihao
The identity of the dead supect is still not known.
Fajardo said Bardon is currently recuperating at the Camarines Norte Provincial Hospital and being secured by the local police.
Daet Police station Chief Inspector Arnulfo Selencio identified the bike as a Red Motorstar scooter. He said that no motive has yet been established on the attempted killing of Bardon.
Police director Fajardo ordered a pursuit operation by joint elements of the Daet MPS and the Provincial Police Office Public Safety Company.
Police checkpoints in Camarines Norte towns located along in the national highway have been augmented with additional police patrols on exit roads in Daet and neighbouring towns. (SONNY SALES)