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Content about Manong

November 21, 2010

The way we call each other now resolves a long and interesting debate about kinship. The old debate was between the search for the universals in human relations and that which saw in the terms we used to address each other the trait of languages – fluid and symbolic.

The way we call each other now resolves a long and interesting debate about kinship. The old debate was between the search for the universals in human relations and that which saw in the terms we used to address each other the trait of languages – fluid and symbolic.

November 1, 2010

MANILA, Oct. 27, 2010- Filipino Catholic prelates will head off to Rome starting next month for their "ad limina visit"- during which they must account for themselves to Vatican departments and the Pope.

November 1, 2010

MANILA, Oct. 27, 2010- Filipino Catholic prelates will head off to Rome starting next month for their "ad limina visit"- during which they must account for themselves to Vatican departments and the Pope.

November 1, 2010

VATICAN, Oct. 25, 2010 (CNA/EWTN News).- In calling for a "two-state" solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the special Synod of Bishops for the Middle East has echoed the solution that Pope Benedict XVI urged on his visit to Israel last year.