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Farewell to Nabua’s Gabaldon

I RECEIVED AN EMAIL from Nabua Forum about the demolition of the Gabaldon in Nabua, Camarines Sur. I can attest to the truth of the matter since I saw during my last week’s visit to Nabua that a temporary fence—to give way to the construction of an LCC Mall—has surrounded the former site of the building. I am a Nabueño and I am concerned about what happened to this historical building. What disturbs me more than the building is the lack of a sense of history of elected municipal officials whose primary concern is business opportunity and personal interest.
I would like to publish in this column the email of the moderator of Nabua Forum about the Gabaldon of Nabua.
Yesterday, we received final confirmation that nothing remains of the 100-year old Gabaldon building in Nabua. It is sad to hear that the few remaining links to our history in probably one of the oldest towns in the entire province of Camarines Sur had been torn down. An iconic structure that withstood the test of time had been reduced to nothing but a shred of a memory to the people who once roamed its august halls.