God's Global Household
Saturday, February 20th, 2010

It is with gratitude to God that the movie-project is finally set to start shooting this coming March 3, 2010.  The movie is written and directed by Marilou Diaz-Abaya, a multi-awarded film maker and director.  Lead roles will be played by Judy Ann Santos, Ryan Agoncillo, Marvin Agustin, Christopher de Leon, Vivian Velez, and a boy-a newcomer in the industry-

God's Global Household
Monday, February 8th, 2010

I NEEDED A TAXI to go from Makati City to the domestic airport.  Before I could sit comfortably at the back seat, the driver told me that I had to pay 250 pesos.  I told the driver that I was getting off the car if he would not use the taxi meter.  When the meter was flagged down, I felt more at ease.

God's Global Household
Sunday, January 24th, 2010

I HAVE SPENT a whole day with the members of the Caceres Lay Institute for Mission (CLAIM) at La Playa (Stella Maris Renewal Center), Tigaon, Camarines Sur in order to have a day of prayer, reflection, and sharing.  I was struck by the lay missionaries' simplicity of faith yet profound experiences of God in their lives in spite of the big and small trials.  What gave me much joy was how they saw their trials in 2009, especia

God's Global Household
Saturday, August 8th, 2009

THE TITLE OF THIS COLUMN is from the poem of Chiara Lubich.  The homily of the Jesuit Father Catalino Arevalo during President Corazon Aquino's funeral mass spoke of her selflessness, faith, and love for her family.  I think great men and women lived their lives with a great sense of sacrifice, with a tenacity of purpose and a consistency of life that finds its source from an ardent love of God and neighbor.  I would like to dedicate this poem to President Corazon Aquino who was not only an icon of democracy but a living witness of faith.

God's Global Household
Friday, July 3rd, 2009

MAPPING THE FUTURE is actually envisioning the future in visual terms.  James Canton's book, the Extreme Future (Penguin Group 2007), that gives a picture of the top trends that will reshape the world in the next 20 years, has powerfully captured the need to welcome the extreme future prepared.  Canton writes: "Maps are so much revealing, though, when they're studied closely in the context of when and where they were

God's Global Household
Saturday, June 27th, 2009

MANY PEOPLE who have been affected by the economic downturn or have simply lost their jobs due to retrenchment have realized the importance of spending wisely every single centavo in their pockets.  The basic question is always "Do I need to buy this?"  Need becomes the criterion for spending.  Instead of buying clothes, shoes and other stuff, many are becoming more conscious to prioritize food, medicine and utilities in thei

God's Global Household
Saturday, June 6th, 2009

I WANT TO WRITE ABOUT a couple of things, about some thoughts that have been following me or have been nagging me to say something about them.

God's Global Household
Saturday, May 30th, 2009

THE YEAR FOR PRIESTS, announced by our beloved Pope Benedict XVI to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the death of the saintly Curé of Ars, St. John Mary Vianney, is drawing near. It will be inaugurated by the Holy Father on the 19th June, the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests.

God's Global Household
Sunday, May 24th, 2009

WORKING PEOPLE usually look forward to a day off in which they would be away from the regular working schedule and be able to find time to rest and to have a respite from the more difficult and demanding tasks of daily life.

I heard a story about a conversation of a priest and an old lady parishioner at a bus terminal.  The priest was working in a remote parish and after a month of hectic schedule, he decided to have a day off.  While waiting for the bus to leave for the city, a parishioner who frequented daily masses saw him at the bus terminal and asked him politely where he was going.  The priest simply said that he was going for a day off.  The lady parishioner said: "Father, why do you want a day off?  The devil does not have a day off."  The priest retorted: "That is precisely the reason why I want a day off.  I don't want to become a devil."

God's Global Household
Saturday, May 9th, 2009

THE GRAND OPENING of SM City in Naga has been an event that many people were anticipating with mixed feelings.  I was one of those who were waiting for the opening of the mall.  I was invited during the mall's blessing on April 30.

God's Global Household
Monday, April 27th, 2009

MANY SEE Yuppies as young professionals who are restless in pursuing upward mobility, pursuit of excellence and material comfort. There’s something more behind the Yuppie phenomenon.

God's Global Household
Sunday, April 12th, 2009

THE HOLY WEEK IS OVER. Everybody is back to normal life and schedule with fond memories of vacation spent with family and friends as well as a certain feeling of nostalgia for moments of prayer and recollection during Holy Thursday and Good Friday.

God's Global Household
Monday, April 6th, 2009

IT’S HOLY WEEK AND MANY people are looking forward to a few days of vacation with families and friends. It has been observed that many Filipinos associate Holy Week with the suffering and death of Jesus Christ without giving much emphasis to His Resurrection, which completes the Paschal Mystery.

God's Global Household
Monday, March 30th, 2009
IT'S GRADUATION WEEK FOR MANY schools. I have the joy of graduating again on Saturday under the MBA program for priests at the Ateneo de Naga University. Doña Chito Madrigal of happy memory offered a scholarship for priests of Bikol through the Madrigal Foundation, to take up an MBA program on Socio-Pastoral Entrepreneurship in order to equip priests with necessary know-how for revitalizing the evangelization programs of parishes through an integral development plan. Seventeen priests from Bikol (2 from Virac, 1 from Masbate and 11 from Caceres-Naga) have finished the graduate program. Thank you Doña Chito. Congratulations Fathers!
God's Global Household
Monday, March 9th, 2009

I RECEIVED AN EMAIL from Nabua Forum about the demolition of the Gabaldon in Nabua, Camarines Sur. I can attest to the truth of the matter since I saw during my last week’s visit to Nabua that a temporary fence—to give way to the construction of an LCC Mall—has surrounded the former site of the building. I am a Nabueño and I am concerned about what happened to this historical building.

God's Global Household
Monday, March 2nd, 2009

HAVE BEEN READING the House Bill 5043 (An Act Providing for a National Policy on Reproductive Health, Responsible Parenthood and Population Development, and for Other Purposes) and its dissection by Makati City Representative Teodoro Locsin Jr. titled The Culling Fields: Dissecting the Cosntantly Changing Reproductive-health Bill.

God's Global Household
Monday, February 23rd, 2009

THE PROPONENTS ON THE CONTROVERSIAL RH Bill 5043 are actually saying that majority of the Catholics in the Philippines do support the bill. But they have not shown any exact figures yet. I think the crucial issue is not about statistics but it is about awareness and education. Surveys are perceptions because they simply show responses to a question that has been formulated to further a cause.

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