Church Cautious About "bleeding" Last Supper image
Sunday, June 20th, 2010
YERBA BUENA, Argentina, June 14, 2010--Archdiocesan officials are calling for prudence regarding an image of the Last Supper that some claim shows Christ's forehead seeping blood that runs down his left cheek.
The Oratory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Yerba Buena -- where the image is kept -- was so overwhelmed by the faithful last Sunday that Father Jorge Gandur and Father Luis Brandán concelebrated Mass outside.
But the Archdiocese of Tucuman appealed for prudence and caution, until scientific evaluations shed light on the occurrence.
"If this is something wrought by God, it will have continuity, and if it is of men, it will disappear," Father Gandur affirmed. "As a priest, at no time have I wished to create false expectations. I am not going to support deceit. Something happened here that divine wisdom will explain in time." (Zenit)

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