CBCP Continues to Help Haiti Victims
Monday, March 15th, 2010
MANILA, March 10, 2010- The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has recently wired $48,809.00 to the Apostolic Nuncio to Haiti Archbishop Bernardito Auza for the earthquake victims of Haiti.
Msgr. Joselito C. Asis, CBCP Assistant Secretary General and Assistant Treasurer said the donations came from the Catholic faithful in response to CBCP President's appeal to the country's 86 ecclesial provinces. A second collection was held in all Sunday Masses last January 24, 2010.
"We have already sent the funds to Archbishop Ausa with the request to hand-over the cash to the Conferencia Episcopal de Haiti (Episcopal Conference of Haiti) which is composed of the Archdioceses of Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien and the Dioceses of Anse-a-Veau et Miragoane, Fort Liberte, Hinche, Jacmel, Jeremie, Les Caves, Les Gonaives and Port-de-Paix.
It will be recalled that Auza, who hails from Talibon, Bohol, called on generous individuals and institutions worldwide to assist Caribbean's poorest country in the aftermath of the earthquake that killed hundreds last January 12, 2010.
Asis said the amount came from the Archdioceses of Caceres and Jaro and the Dioceses of Cubao, Daet, Legazpi, Tagum, Boac, Bangued, Novaliches and Alaminos.
He said he expects more dioceses will remit their contributions in due time. It will be recalled that the 2nd National Congress of the Clergy held January 25-29, 2010 in Pasay City also donated one million pesos for Haiti victims.
Caritas Manila under Fr. Anton Pascual has already sent $50,000.00 last February 11 through the papal nuncio. The amount came from Caritas Manila's funds and donations from various parishes and benefactors.
For its part, the CBCP-NASSA under its Chairman Bishop Broderick Pabillo will also send $10,000 generated from Alay Kapwa funds and a number of dioceses. Bishop Pabillo earlier released a circular addressed to social action directors nationwide to campaign for donations for Haiti earthquake victims. (Melo M. Acuña)

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