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Albay PDCC Shifts Strategy as Philvocs Lowers Mayon's Alert Level

LEGAZPI CITY, March 4  --The Albay Provincial Disaster Coordinating Council (PDCC) has shifted its disaster strategy from response to risk reduction following the lowering of the alert level in Mayon Volcano from two to one.

The risk reduction strategy centers on the full relocation of households still living in the 6- kilometer permanent danger zone (PDZ).

Albay Gov. Joey Salceda, PDCC chair, said that while Mayon abnormalities laid low and rested on Jan. 4 this year, the work of the Albay Public Safety Emergency Management Office (APSEMO) and the Albay Millennium Development Goal Office (AMDGO), essentially constituted relocation of thousands of households still living along the volcano's danger zone threshold.

As of Feb. 28, out of the 1,842 households in the 6-km PDZ, 1,179 have been relocated. However, 141 of the 1,179 are houses needing repair to be habitable so that they would not be compelled to return.

Meanwhile 664 have to be relocated, of which 452 have already been provided with lots but no housing shelter support and 212 are completely with no house and lots.

The province is set to release P6 million to the town of Camalig for relocation.

"In fact, even if it is less visually exciting, it is actually the more difficult part of our mandate and is actually the more existentially fulfilling by giving them housing security which is a basic right and should help reduce poverty and as a bonus- you do no longer need to evacuate," Salceda said.

Disaster risk reduction essentially reduces the need for disaster response and disaster rehabilitation.

The PDCC and its line agency, the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office (PSWDO), had conducted field validation to ascertain the requirements and the resource gaps.

The AMDGO has written the United Nation Development Program (UNDP) asking for assistance in the formulation of a long-term comprehensive strategy in addressing the disaster risks of Mayon, particularly in the context of other risks.

The volcano's potential risk were basically climate-related as manifested in lahar movement and reduced agricultural productivity and in pursuit of the provincial government's poverty reduction targets.

Salceda said UNDP Country Director Renaud Meyer has expressed the UN body's willingness to partner with the provincial government of Albay as an initial meeting between them has already being set. (PNA)