PPCRV Calls for Ceasefire in Feud with Namfrel

Monday, February 8th, 2010

MANILA, Feb. 4, 2010- With the May elections drawing near, the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) called for a ceasefire in its feud with a fellow poll watchdog.

PPCRV national chairperson Henrietta de Villa said they are willing to work with the National Movement for Free Elections (Namfrel) if only to pave the way for credible and peaceful elections.

"We can always work together in many ways," De Villa told reporters on Thursday.

Formerly allies in ensuring credible elections, PPCRV and NAMFREL relations cooled off in the latter 2009 due to internal conflicts among leaders of both watchdogs.

The conflict between the two poll watchdogs simmered after De Villa allegedly asked the poll body to reject the petition for accreditation filed by the Namfrel as a citizen's arm in the elections.

Namfrel's co-petitioner is the National Secretariat for Social Action of Justice and Peace (Nassa) of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP).

The Comelec, in a resolution dated Jan. 29, junked Namfrel's petition for joint accreditation, citing the organization's "political leanings."

De Villa insisted that the fourth copy of the official election returns from every precinct should go to them since they were accredited first by the Comelec.

"Our only concern then is that they (Namfrel) won't get what has already been given to us," she said.

De Villa said she has nothing against Namfrel accreditation if only to deter election cheating. Their only concern, he said, is the duplication of duty if Namfrel would be given same copy.

"As far as we are concerned we are after the fourth copy of the automated election system," she added.

De Villa used to head both the PPCRV and the Namfrel until she resigned from Namfrel last September.

Former Bangko Sentral governor Jose Cuisia Jr. has taken over as Namfrel chairman. (Roy Lagarde)

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