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Content about China

November 25, 2011

BRUSSELS – The European Union (EU) has indicated its readiness to be a useful element of “balance” in the strategic situation in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) and may play a mediation role in the territorial dispute.

Speaking on EU-Southeast Asia relations in a briefing at EU headquarters here Wednesday, European External Action Service Southeast Asia Division deputy head Philippe van Amersfoort said EU would welcome any request from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to help resolve the dispute.

BRUSSELS – The European Union (EU) has indicated its readiness to be a useful element of “balance” in the strategic situation in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) and may play a mediation role in the territorial dispute.

Speaking on EU-Southeast Asia relations in a briefing at EU headquarters here Wednesday, European External Action Service Southeast Asia Division deputy head Philippe van Amersfoort said EU would welcome any request from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to help resolve the dispute.

November 22, 2011

Naga City (Nov.21 2011) – After the recently concluded 22nd Ad Congress here at the Camarines Sur Wakeboarding Complex in Pili, the Philippines’ largest carrier, Cebu Pacific Air (PSE: CEB) held a simple lunch for local media, and disclosed current airline seat sales and aircraft delivery schedules. It had just shown support for local tourism and events by operating up to 7x daily flights for last week’s Ad Congress, similar to what it had done during the IronMan last August...

Naga City (Nov.21 2011) – After the recently concluded 22nd Ad Congress here at the Camarines Sur Wakeboarding Complex in Pili, the Philippines’ largest carrier, Cebu Pacific Air (PSE: CEB) held a simple lunch for local media, and disclosed current airline seat sales and aircraft delivery schedules. It had just shown support for local tourism and events by operating up to 7x daily flights for last week’s Ad Congress, similar to what it had done during the IronMan last August.

CEB holds 50% off seat sale for 16 domestic routes

November 7, 2011


MANILA, Philippines - A young Filipino mathematician emerged as one of the individual champions in a tough World Mathematics Team Championship held at the Jiuhua Resort and Convention Center held in Beijing, China, from Nov. 2 to 6.

Eleven-year-old Farrel Eldrian Wu, a Grade 6 student of MGC New Life Christian Academy in Taguig City, won a gold medal and ranked first in the primary division individual contests...

MANILA, Philippines - A young Filipino mathematician emerged as one of the individual champions in a tough World Mathematics Team Championship held at the Jiuhua Resort and Convention Center held in Beijing, China, from Nov. 2 to 6.

Eleven-year-old Farrel Eldrian Wu, a Grade 6 student of MGC New Life Christian Academy in Taguig City, won a gold medal and ranked first in the primary division individual contests.

July 15, 2011

A priest of Shantou, China, Father Joseph Huang Bingzhang, was ordained today without a papal mandate.

Eight Vatican-approved bishops attended the ordination that took place at St. Joseph’s Cathedral in Shantou city, southern Guangdong province.

Bishop Johan Fang Xingyao of Linyin, president of the government-sanctioned Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association (CCPA), was the main celebrant.

July 6, 2011

ROME, JULY 3, 2011.- Sexual discrimination isn't limited to the workplace. In many countries around the world unborn baby girls are being singled out for elimination.

ROME, JULY 3, 2011.- Sexual discrimination isn't limited to the workplace. In many countries around the world unborn baby girls are being singled out for elimination.

Journalist Mara Hvistendahl chronicles the origins and extent of this in "Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, And the Consequences of a World Full of Men," (Public Affairs).

June 25, 2011

The Philippine government should use a different tack in pursuing its claim on the Spratly Islands and other small territories in the South China Sea (SCS). The government posturing is beginning to sound like a broken record again by tying its response on external affairs to U.S. support...

By the Policy Study, Publication, and Advocacy (PSPA) Center for People Empowerment in Governance (CenPEG) June 24, 2011

The Philippine government should use a different tack in pursuing its claim on the Spratly Islands and other small territories in the South China Sea (SCS). The government posturing is beginning to sound like a broken record again by tying its response on external affairs to U.S. support even if the Philippines, a former American colony, remains far remote from Washington DC's international radar.

April 1, 2011

March 30 is a sad day for Filipinos. Three overseas Filipino workers Sally Ordinario-Villanueva, Ramon Credo and Elizabeth Batain were executed after being caught by Chinese immigration authorities and subsequently sentenced to death for carrying heroin into China.

March 30 is a sad day for Filipinos. Three overseas Filipino workers Sally Ordinario-Villanueva, Ramon Credo and Elizabeth Batain were executed after being caught by Chinese immigration authorities and subsequently sentenced to death for carrying heroin into China. Even before the execution, one could already feel the somber mood of the people being shown in television coverages. It’s as if time stood still until the announcement that the three were already dead.

December 21, 2010

Despite public denials and subdued protestations of acquiescing to China’s will, the Aquino Administration did itself, and the whole nation, a great disservice by snubbing the awarding ceremonies which we had constantly and consistently attended until this year. We have been bullied into not attending the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to detained Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo.

When Alfred Bernhard Nobel established the Nobel Prizes through his will written a year before his death on December 10, 1896, they had been intended to be awarded to persons who had been adjudged to “have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind.”

Among those awards, one which is the most prized, is that for Peace.

December 21, 2010

Despite public denials and subdued protestations of acquiescing to China’s will, the Aquino Administration did itself, and the whole nation, a great disservice by snubbing the awarding ceremonies which we had constantly and consistently attended until this year. We have been bullied into not attending the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to detained Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo.

When Alfred Bernhard Nobel established the Nobel Prizes through his will written a year before his death on December 10, 1896, they had been intended to be awarded to persons who had been adjudged to “have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind.”

Among those awards, one which is the most prized, is that for Peace.

November 6, 2010
MILAGROS, Masbate Nov 5. 2010- An NPA rebel lay dead and one military officer was wounded in  a fresh fighting in Masbate island, a military official said here today.

LtCol Anthony Purugganan, the Commander of the 9th Infantry Battalion which has jurisdiction over the whole Masbate Province, said that he sent a platoon of soldiers led by 1st Lieutenant Michael Morales supported by 10-man police contingent led by Police Inspector Jan King Calipay after receiving a 'hot' information regarding the presence of 20 heavily-armed bandits in Sitio Hanlas, Pina village in the town of San Jacinto.