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MAin: Cor. P. Burgos & gen. lunA sts., nAgA City tel nos.: (054) 473.72.62 / 478.34.58 BrAnChes: IRIGA • LEGASPI • SORSOGON
“Dealer of quality home appliances & furnitures”
BUILT HERITAGE. This 1800 Spanish-period cuartel that eventually became Camarines Sur’s provincial jail is at the risk of being demolished to give way to a superstore. It that happens, Bicol will lose another relic of its illustrious past. Photo and Caption: Vic Nierva
P-Noy appoints Salceda as Bicol RDC chairman
legAZPi City, deC. 16– President Benigno Aquino III has appointed Albay Governor Joey Salceda as chairman of the Bicol Regional Development Council (RDC) to ensure continuity of flagship projects that propel countryside economy counting on major infrastructure, educa-
Naga Public Market official faces malversation raps
Losses of p 1.9- million in revenues to be probed
legAZPi City, deC. 13 – the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) has so far placed 85,395 poor families in Bikol under the coverage of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), a multi-billion peso poverty reduction program of the government, since its inception two years ago.
4Ps aids 85,000 families in Bikol
rDC / PAGE 5
nAgA City (18 deCeMBer) – A forMer nAgA City Public Market superintendent is facing multiple charges of “malversation of public funds through falsification” with a reported amount of P 1.9 Million, even as a City legal officer revealed that uncovered documents from the
city market indicated that the lost amount will exceed what was earlier reported. Naga Police Community Precinct 1, Police Chief Insp. Nicasio Garcia said that former market superintendent Frederick Ignacio Arias, 44, a resident of Marasigan St., Sabang in this city, is currently detained
at the BJMP District Jail at Barangay Del Rosario here while awaiting arraignment after a Warrant of Arrest was served on the suspect last December 11. The warrant was issued with “no bail recommended” by RTC Branch 23 Judge
Operators appeal against crackdown on cockfights
nAgA City (15 december) —After the PnP provincial office here had launched a crackdown on illegal cockfighting activities on the strength of Marcos Administration Presidential Decree no. 449, operators of some 33 cockpit arenas in Camarines Sur province have made a formal appeal to police provincial director, Sr. Supt. Jonathan Viernes Ablang, “to be humanely considerate” of scheduled commercial cockfights to continue until the end of Christmas season.
comply or be penalized
15 deCeMBer -- the dePArtMent of enVironMent and Natural Resources (DENR) yesterday issued a stern warning to local governments in Bikol Region to comply with Republic Act 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 lest, face class suit for failure to obey the mandate of the law.
DENR warns LGUs:
The Naga Public Market building is still undergoing renovation after unexplained fires hit it in previous months.
fre e Co ns ul t At i o n
U n i t D , A r i s t o c ra t H o t e l B ld g . , E l i a s A n g el e s S t . , N a ga C i ty T e l . N o s . : ( 0 5 4) 8 1 1 .5 4 71 / 4 7 3.4 8 2 2
Volume XXVIII | Issue no. 30|
Vox Bikol Viewpoints
13 - 19 december 2010
When Alfred BernhArd noBel estABlished the Nobel Prizes through his will written a year before his death on December 10, 1896, they had been intended to be awarded to persons who had been adjudged to “have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind.” Among those awards, one which is the most prized, is that for Peace. Despite public denials and subdued protestations of acquiescing to China’s will, the Aquino Administration did itself, and the whole nation, a great disservice by snubbing the awarding ceremonies which we had constantly and consistently attended until this year. We have been bullied into not attending the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to detained Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo. Brandishing the justification of realpolitik, the government defended itself from the “hypothetical” snub which it nonetheless continues to deny. The long and short of it, however, is that the Aquino government did not want to antagonize China after the Mendoza hostage incident in which Chinese nationals tragically lost their lives. In choosing this path of obsequiousness, the Aquino Administration may have doomed itself from ever rising from this position of subservience to China. It may be objected that our presence (or in this case, our absence) from Oslo where the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo was awarded is not that significant to our real and practical commitment to upholding human rights; nor to the recipient and the award itself. That may be true. But the question here is one about the assertion of our independence from a foreign power which, together with the United States, has bullied other nations into towing the line it draws. The Aquino government chose to kowtow to China with the hopes of averting any aggravation of the “strain” in their relationship. What it effectively did was instigate further China’s diminished respect of the Philippine government by demonstrating to the whole world that the Philippines can and will put its principles aside when it is threatened. Or when it is bullied. This is ignoble.
Merry Christmas!
“siMBAng gABi, siMulA ng PAsko sa puso ng lahing Pilipino,” thus goes a favorite carol, which resonates the joyous experience of Christmas in our country. Indeed, we greet each other “Merry Christmas.” Not ““Happy Holidays.” For with Simbang Gabi, it is back to the Church where we look for and find the true spirit of Christmas: the baby Jesus who was born in a manger. Everything else is just to help remind us of that inexplicable great mystery of God who became Man, like each one of us. And when my daughter was asking me about Simbang Gabi, I also related a point I got from Fr. James Reuter. Other than the Easter Vigil, the one time of the year when great grace flows to humanity is Christmas Eve, that is, God’s coming into the world as Man to save us from sin and death. Growing up as a child, I remember a small stampita of John’s most quoted words that Papa would put up with our Belen at home. “For God so loved the world, that he gave us his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) Notably, we are also completing the first decade of the 21st century that has also brought to us even greater achievements in science and technology. Take a look, for example, at the various toys and gadgets now in our shopping list. But even then, I believe we would always find ourselves drawn back to the simplicity of Christmas that holds far greater wisdom than all the knowledge that humanity has gained. “[S]cientific activity ultimately benefits from the recognition of man’s spiritual dimension and his quest for ultimate answers that allow for the acknowledgement of a world existing independently from us, which we do not fully understand and which we can only comprehend in so far as we grasp its inherent logic,” so our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, exhorted in his recent address to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. “Scientists do not create the world; they learn about it and attempt to imitate it, following the laws and intelligibility that nature manifests to us. The scientist’s experience as a human being is therefore that of perceiving a constant, a law, a logos that he has not created but that he has instead observed: in fact, it leads us to admit the existence of an all-powerful Reason, which is other than that of man, and which sustains the world. This is the meeting point between the natural sciences and religion. As a result, science becomes a place of dialogue, a meeting between man and nature and, potentially, even between man and his Creator,” the Pope continued. For sure, we are all scientists, too, striving for meaning in a world so vastly different and rapidly changing. Christmas is always there for us. And Simbang Gabi even deepens that encounter— Emmanuel. God with us!
Dialogues of the Vanishing
If for a moment God would forget/ that I am a rag doll and give me a/ scrap of life, possibly I would not/ say everything that I think, but I/ would definitely think everything that I say. I would value things not for how/ much they are worth but rather for/ what they mean.
there is A WAr going on. It is almost like the war in the minds of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s characters. It is a war about memory and forgetting. People remember things and forget about things. The war is forgotten because it is madness? The present is remembered and the past relegated to the past. The wheel continues and we do not anymore where one end begins and where the beginning ends. Our city is in this warzone of the mind. We are all the characters in Macondo trying to remember the past that are in streets and houses fast disappearing. Here in Naga, the world on the surface is losing its many marks. The old streets if you follow them will not guide you anymore with the same emblems, now will they carry you to neighborhoods of any of your lifetime. This Ateneo Avenue is a mess and maze of stores and eateries that refuse to follow the notion of sidewalks. Eaves and awnings reach onto the streets and hawkers and buyers of food occupy the already cramped space of what must be the ugliest of avenues in the world. The term “avenue” is used to refer to specialized, pretty byway that leads to a monument or any special place. Years back, Ateneo fulfilled this role: when you turn from the cathedral, where the street of Bagumbayan begins, you are not afforded a sight of Ateneo de Naga but confronted by it. The Four Pillars demanded obeisance and everyone was mortal to its palpable eternity. But that is gone. Many things are being changed. Where revolutionary concepts of Equality (Igualdad) used to mark a place where social equality was both present and absent – the marketplace – we now have a name. There will be more streets out there with names that do not pay tribute to the memories of politicians and state administrators and they are waiting to be named. Legislation in this country, remember, is partly an act of honoring legislators. In the big cities, street signs are overloaded with names whose contribution to the city is their being elected and thus being endowed with the power to put their names on every aspect of our mortal life: public market and public toilets; waiting shed and ambulances waiting on
-Farewell Letter ascribed to Gabriel Garcia Marquez
the sick; basketball courts and covered courts; and multipurpose buildings the multiplicity of use of which cancels the very essence of why it is built in the first place. I fear for the empty spaces in the city, which soon, I am anxious to write, will be emptied of its silence. The temporal equivalence of this destruction is pollution of space, a marring of distances and perspectives. Witness the area around the Metropolitan Cathedral. Mushrooming (literally sprouting without rhyme or reason) within the vicinity of our one version of ancient structure are other structures that have shattered the symmetry of the place. I fear for places whose names are not considered significant because they do not carry the purposes of the driven life of elite figures in our society. Shall Dayangdang remain as such or shall we rename it? Shall Sabang be that or do we have another politico whose corruption has been obscured by years and whose family name may replace the native anonymity of that street? Each time we rename a place, a place disappears. Each time we change the configuration of an area, a part of group memory is dissipated. The war rages on. There is news circulating that the old City Jail along Peñafrancia Avenue, and built around 1840s is going to be destroyed. In its place will rise a new and massive shopping mall, or grocery mall. How many more of these stores do we really need? It is already pathetic that one of the rare buildings of antiquity in this city that has remained standing stood for the loss of freedom for many individuals in the past. Troublingly pathetic is the fact that we are erasing the very bastion of remembrance for that thing we fought for so that we could build our own city and shelter our own memories. Each living day we destroy a significant building and put up one more unnecessary deceiving source of material convenience, we sever a link to the past and assure ourselves a terrible rupture from a future that will have meaning for us all rather than a one-sided contribution to the coffers of a government that is local in the limited sense of that word.
13 - 19 december 2010
Vox Bikol Viewpoints
Volume XXVIII | Issue no. 30
the Presidency, a Changing of guards
By BenJie oliVeros Bulatlat.com
Christmas list
After suffering for nine yeArs under the administration of former president Gloria MacapagalArroyo, the Filipino people went out en masse to trash her candidates and reject what she represents when they voted last May 2010. When the result of the May 2010 elections was announced, a collective sigh of relief was felt throughout the country. Who would not feel relief after nine years of being bombarded by corruption and bribery scandals left and right, after hearing so many cries for justice of victims and relatives of extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, torture and other human rights violations, after constantly fighting for our civil liberties lest it be taken away by the Arroyo administration, and after seeing and feeling how the people’s incomes have eroded and poverty has worsened amid the glowing economic statistics being churned out by the Arroyo government’s spin doctors? The trashing could have been sweeter if not for the plethora of opposition candidates. Benigno Aquino III won by a clear plurality of votes from his nearest rival former president Joseph E. Estrada. It would have been poetic justice if Arroyo’s chosen one was defeated by a clear majority of votes cast. Nevertheless, the changing of guards was a most welcome development. Benigno Aquino III was able to ride on the people’s anger against former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. And the fact that his father the late senator Benigno Aquino Jr. and mother former president Cory Aquino were known for standing up to the late dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos catapulted him to the presidency. Aquino declared his presidency at the most opportune time, after his mother Cory’s death. Thus, his campaign slogan of change and his promise that his administration would be the direct opposite of the much-hated Arroyo administration earned him the votes. During his inaugural address, President Benigno Aquino III made some bold promises of stamping out corruption and abuse of power, seeking justice, and of addressing the concerns of the poor, who he calls his “boss.” What was sorely lacking then was a policy declaration concerning human rights. President Aquino even made a show of making his convoy stop at stoplights and not use sirens. During his State of the Nation Address, President Aquino declared his “solution” to the ailing economy and the cash-strapped government: engaging in “PublicPrivate Partnerships” (PPP). This is no different from the “Build-Operate-Transfer” (BOT) and concession agreements entered into by previous administrations, since the time of the Cory Aquino administration, or the Financial or Technical, Assistance Agreements (FTAA) provided by the Mining Act of 1995. These agreements merely circumvent the patrimony provisions of the 1987 Constitution to be able to open up otherwise protected sectors of the economy such as mining, infrastructure, communication and transportation, basic utilities and services, among others to foreign investments. He also unveiled his program to address poverty: Conditional Cash Transfers (CCT). The CCT program was started by the previous Arroyo administration. So-
cial Welfare Sec. Dinky Soliman has been the implementor of the very same program since the Arroyo administration. As far as addressing corruption is concerned, President Aquino seems to be encountering a lot of difficulties. Sure, he has exposed during his State of the Nation Address and later to the media, alleged anomalies his new Cabinet has unearthed, but the public has yet to see one big fish prosecuted. His other moves such as the revocation of midnight appointments of the Arroyo administration and the creation of a Truth Commission have been blocked by the Supreme Court. Worse, his close friend Interior Undersecretary Rico Puno was linked to jueteng payoffs and President Aquino refused to have him removed. This was followed by the bungling of the August 23 hostage-taking incident, which exposed the ineptness and corruption plaguing the country’s police forces. President Aquino made his first act forward concerning human rights only this December 10 when he ordered the withdrawal of charges against 43 detained health workers collectively called as the Morong 43. But this was only after the Morong 43 staged a hunger strike and calls for their release from local and international groups were intensifying. Before that, President Aquino adamantly refused to lift a hand to effect their release by saying that it is up to the courts to decide. The last time he was hounded by the issue of the Morong 43, President Aquino, visibly irked, told journalists to please stop asking him about the issue. But the practice of extrajudicial, summary and arbitrary killings continues, claiming the lives of 22 more activists. The military’s latest victim Leonard Co, a renowned botanist, and his two companions who were doing a research on tree varieties, were killed just for being in an area where soldiers were supposedly conducting their operations. As for social justice issues, the attitude of the Aquino administration toward the Hacienda Luisita agrarian dispute, which involves President Aquino’s family, speaks for itself. Likewise, the government’s handling of the Philippine Airlines and the ABS-CBN labor disputes shows that nothing much has changed. President Aquino is still enjoying a net satisfaction rating of +64, according to a November 27-30 Social Weather Station (SWS) survey. This, said the SWS, shows that the Aquino administration is “having a normal honeymoon period,” which was also enjoyed by his predecessors. Another way of interpreting this is that the Filipino people are still expecting a change in their lives. Pessimism and frustration have not yet crept in. But if things do not change from the way they are, and the Aquino administration would still take the same track as his predecessors, a lot would change next year, especially because of the impending hikes in toll fees, MRT-LRT train fares, the continuous rise in oil prices, and the piling up of cases of human rights violations and social injustices. And this change would not come from the Aquino administration, but in the people’s attitude toward the government and the way the people would react to issues affecting them.
This is the first coloring and activity book on the devotion to Our Lady of Penafrancia. It introduces the history, tradition and meaning of the devotion in a way suited to young hearts and minds. It is also for parents and teachers to help them share the devotion to the next generation. Devotees have the solemn duty to nourish, preserve and share the devotion to all peoples. This book is a means to promote the devotion not only across borders, but also across age groups. The future lies in the hands of children and what better way to ensure the continuous growth of the devotion but through them. The illustrations and activities, specially designed for the very young, invite children to recognize the relationship between one’s faith in God and the devotion to Ina. The activities usher them to an understanding of the devotion’s role in their young lives. Parents’ assistance is recommended in some activities. It is hoped that this book assists children to find the devotion as a way to deepen one’s faith and to appreciate the devotion as a moral compass in their daily experience. Written and published in celebration of the tercentenary of the devotion to Our Lady of Penafrancia during the episcopacy of Most Rev. Leonardo Z. Legaspi, O.P., D.D., Archbishop of Caceres.
MAGPARTISIPAR SA MGA ouTReAch AcTIvITIeS. Kadakol kan mga outreach activities ngunyan na panahon. Puwedeng magbisita sa mga may kahelangan, o idtong mga nasa presohan. Puwede man na makikawat sa mga aki sa orphanage o mga gurang sa home for the aged. Kadakol sainda an dai na nakakaibahan an mga partidaryo o mahal sa buhay asin an imbong nin simpleng pagbisita sainda nagdodolot man nin labi-labing kaogmahan. Makikanta sa para-karol. Magin siring sa mga aki sa panahon nin pagkamundag kan Kagurangnan. Puwedeng makisabay sa pagkanta kan mga aki sa mga harong. Alagad dai naman maki-amot sa panao o sa pisong tinatao kan mga kagharong. Kun matibay ka o hilig mong magkanta, puwede mo man tabangan magpraktis tanganing dai bilot, sala sa tono, sala an lyrics asin siriblagan an mga kanta. Magtabang sa paglinig asin pagdekorar sa sadiring harong. Makiheras sa pag-setup kan Christmas tree, belen, mga krismas lights, wreaths, asin manlaen-laen pang dekorasyon. Siguraduhon na de-kalidad an mga de-kuryenteng decors tanganing malikayan an katibaadan sa panahon na dapat kuta nang nag-oorogma. Dai na magpirit magbugtak nin snow ta dagdag saná iyan sa ati sa harong. Mayo man pating snow sa Pilipinas. An pagdekorar sa harong puwedeng magin creative exploration, basta dai saná magin over. Mag-misa de gallo sa laog nin siyam na aldaw. Magayon daa ini sa mga maykahagadan—gustong magka-girlfriend, boyfriend, foreigner na partner, makapasar sa board, gustong magkacellphone, iPad, laptop, asin huring regalo ni Santa Claus. Kun nasasakitan magmatá sa maagahon, puwede man makibayle nguna sa mga plasa. Dai ini required pero tibaad makatabang; kun dai nakakatabang asin nakakaraot pa logod, hare. Hinanyogon an sinasabi kan padi, maghorop-horop, bakong si kataid na nagpupungâ iyo an pagpasaatúman. Magbasa nin nobela o ano man na gibong arte. Huruhalawig an bakasyon sa Pasko, puwedeng gamiton an panahon para magrelax-relax. Alagad masakit an magbeach o excursion ta medyo nakakatakig an lipot sa baybayon, orog na masakit kun mag-uran pa nin makosog. Puwedeng magbasa nin mga nobela. Puwedeng balikan an mga klasik, poon ki Dickens sagkod ki Joyce, puwede man mga maoorag na nobelang Filipino poon ki Sionil Jose sagkod ki Alvin Yapan. Magayon na igwang nababasa-basa, nakakatuninong nin isip, nakakapa-isip, nagdodolot nin mga bagong insight. Mag-ala Santa Claus sa mga aki. Kun may katabaan na arog ko, puwedeng magpatahi nin Santa Claus outfit. Dawa dai nang barabas ta minsan rinarabnot man saná kan mga aki. Mamakal nin mga dulse, sitsiriya, mga kurukawatan, mga librong pang-aki, asin iba pa; puwede ining ipanao sa mga aking nagbabaray-basay. Imbes na kuwarta, mas marhay na gamit o kakanon na saná, siguradong may padudumanan. Dai na maglusot sa mga chimney. Mayo man pati digding chimney sato. Tibaad mamaluan pang parahabon. Ipasyar an mga aki sa harong (o sa kataid na harong). Puwedeng maghatod kaogmahan sa pirang kaakian an pagdara sainda sa sinehan. Siguraduhon na pang-aking pelikula man an dadalanon, bakong si mga baradilan asin horror. Kadakol pangaking movies ngunyan ta panahon nin Pasko. Bakalan naman sinda nin popcorn and juice, bakong bubblegum ta ipapadukot yan sa tukawan. Herak man kan masunod na madalan. Pasyaran an mga magurang kun sinda dai kaibahan sa harong. Sinasabing an Pasko panahon na magtiripon an mga pamilya. Kun dai kaibahan sa harong an mga magurang o mga kagugurangan sa pamilya, maogmang bisitahon sinda. Nagtatao sainda ini nin maogmang panahon. Bako idtong pagmateng garo nagkarilingawan na. Bakalan nin kakanon, handaán. Siguraduhon na malulumoy na kakanon, idtong pasil sapaón, ta an makarakan may-edad na. Ipamate sainda an pagkamoot, minsan saná man, biyo-biyoon na. Magdalan nin mga feel-good na pelikula. Tandaan, feelgood. Bako idtong mga pelikulang nakakawara kan espiritu nin Kapaskuhan, halimbawa, bako idtong mga pelikula ni Caparas. Puro masaker idto, mabuyong may eksenang Pasko, masaker pa man giraray. Pilion man idtong mga pelikulang nagdadara nin magian na pagmate, lipot, magaya-gayang disposisyon sa buhay, positibong paghiling sa maabot na panahon—idto ining mga pelikulang pag dinadalan kun summer, feeling Pasko pa giraray. Paghorop-horopan an mga nangyari sa nakaaging taon asin man an mga puwedeng mangyari sa masunod na taon. Magbaliktanaw sa nakaagi. Arin an mga bagay-bagay an muya mong ipadagos, arin si mga dai na. Halimabawa, ipapadagos mong magamay sa trabaho, magbalon pangudtuhan, magdagdag kaaraman, magin malinig, asin iba pang nakakatabang sa sadiri. Asin ontokon naman an pagigin maurí, matumang, pusikit na pakitsismis, parapang-atum sa pagtaraid, pag-ikit, asin iba pa. Puwede man pagisipan an mga bagong bagay na boot mong gibohon, arog baga kan pagtipon kuwarta tanganing makapag-space tour, o makapag-voice lesson para sa planong youtube video. An mga ini sampolo sana, in fact, daing kaseryosohan. Tinuyo tanganing tawan nin ganan an kagianan asin gayon nin pagmateng dara kan Kapaskuhan. In short, mag-enjoy kita. Sarong panahon sa halawig na taon saná. Itolod an karahayan huli ta an omboy na namundag sa Kapaskuhan sarong marhayon na Dios asin tawo. Maogmang Pasko sa gabos! Si Vic Nierva nagba-blog sa http://aponihandiong.blogspot. com asin minasuporta sa http://lupikontradam.blogspot.com.
Volume XXVIII | Issue no. 30|
Vox Bikol Bikol news
13 - 19 december 2010
legAZPi City (14 deCeMBer) – After being publicly criticized for being “rude” to some members of the local press in the past months, Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Bicol Regional Director Danilo Dequito recently had a dialogue with the media at the “Kapihan sa Embarcadero” here last December 7. In the dialogue, Dequito said he welcomed the interfacing while at the same time announcing future projects of the agency in the region. Dequito said that P3.9 billion is budgeted for infrastructures for 2011, further assuring Bikolanos
RD Dequito holds dialogue with Bikol media
that all programs and projects would spur the progress and development of the region. Meanwhile, Joshua Martinez, station manager of Magik FM has commented, “News can really be misleading as I was made to believe that the present regional director of DPWH Bicol is rude to media people.” “It’s the exact opposite,” Martinez added, “RD Dequito welcomes all avenues to promote their agency’s plans, programs and projects.” The ‘Kapihan’ was initiated by Martinez some five months ago to encourage media, government agencies both local and national as
UNEP Journ students off to luzonwide writers confab
After PAssing the BenChMArk of jurors, contenders from the University of Northeastern Philippines (UNEP) will be joining other journalism students comes January for the Luzonwide Higher Education Press Conference which will be held in Baguio City. Ana Vern R. Melgar, University of Northeastern Philippines’ Frontline Column Editor and her co-writers will once again clash ideas with other campus writers after successfully hurdling the battery of writing competitions at the recently concluded 11th Region V Tertiary School Press Conference held last December 9-11 at the Naga Regent Hotel. Melgar edged her opponents in the Editorial Writing and DevCom Writing, both in Filipino category during the said confab while Kevin Delos Santos ranked third in the News Writing contest in Filipino Category. Joining them in next year’s competition are Maria Jela Moran - Editorial Writing (English); Geleen Germino - Feature Writing (English); Renier Ramirez- Sports Writing (Filipino) and Column / Opinion Writing (Filipino); Ana Mariz Zamora- Photojournalism (Filipino); Johannsus Botor II – Editorial Cartooning (Filipino) and Comic Strip (Filipino); and Jaypee Sayson in Comic Strip Contest, English category. Dr. Regina A. Gonzales, Frontline Adviser, also the Internal Vice President of the Bicol Association of Tertiary School Publication Advisers (BATSPA) said that her students have really exerted their best effort to grab the opportunity to be included in the final set of students who will compete in the Luzonwide Conference slated on the first month of 2011. “I saw their passion in doing their craft and the least that I can do is support them in pursuing it, in the best way that I can. The UNEP management, under the auspices of our dynamic university president, Atty. Remelisa Alfelor-Moraleda is also in full support of endeavors like this,” Gonzales said. The confab ,spearheaded by the Bicol Association of Tertiary Schools Press Advisers, Inc. (BATSPA), was also in coordination with the regional office of the Commission on Higher Education and the Bicol Association of Student Campus Writers (BASCAW) with the theme: “Campus Press: Forging Identities in a Multi-Cultural Nation.” Atty. Remelisa AlfelorMoraleda, UNEP President said that the university’s stand when it comes to giving opportunities to their students remains steadfast and committed. “We will not grow tired of producing breeds of exemplary writers and will continue to support every endeavor that will sharpen their God-given talents. Our students success, whether they are still with us or even when they have to leave the university’s portals to pursue their respective careers, will also be the university’s success. Their achievements will be UNEP’s feat as well.” Indeed, UNEP’s bandwagon of being the “Home of Global Achievers” will not persist without the guiding hands of the management and its mentors.
well as private enterprises to have a venue for information dissemination, for free. More than 30 media practitioners were able to interact with RD Dequito. “As I told my staff and personnel, I am here to serve not to be served,” he explained. “Yes, I devoted the first few days of my assignment here in Bikol doing rounds of field inspections and meetings with the district engineers and key officials of the regional office so that I will have ready answers to questions that would likely be asked during interviews,” the director revealed. (LVCastañeda, DPWH/PIA/mal)
OWWA Bicol to open satellite office in Naga City
legAZPi City, deC, 14 -in consonance with the 22-point agenda of the Aquino administration and through the initiatives of Naga City Mayor John G. Bongat, the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) in Bikol will open its satellite office in Naga City on December 15, this year to directly serve more than 25,000 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) and their families in Camarines provinces. OWWA Bicol director Jocelyn Hapal said the agency will field three personnel at the new office Mondays thru Thursdays at 9:00am-5:00pm and provide the whole range of OWWA programs in time for the peak season of OFW arrivals for the holidays. Naga City has the highest number of OFWs in the Bikol region. “We are more than happy to host the OWWA operation. It is our way of recognizing the contributions of the Filipino workers abroad to the development not only of the City of Naga but of the whole Region as well,” Mayor John Bongat of Naga City said. OWWA administrator Carmelita S. Dimzon said that she hopes to make the satellite office in the immediate future a one-stop shop by inviting in PhilHealth, Pag-Ibig, and SSS and make their programs and services accessible to most OFWs and their families. OFWs who are on vacation can now secure the overseas employment certificates (OEC) or exit permit at the satellite offic, instead of going to OWWA in Legazpi City or to POEA in Manila. According to Hapal, the satellite office will bring about the following benefits: immediate action on complaints and request for assistance of OFWs and their families, including monitoring of illegal recruitment and trafficking incidences; increased and faster processing of program availment; faster and less costly processing of OECs and OWWA membership for vacationing OFWs and name hires; continuity and holistic benefit from integrated community and LGUbased support; and more active participation in organized OFW family circles/associations. The OWWA Naga satellite office is located at the 3rd floor of the R.S. Roco Library in Naga City Hall Complex. (KTRamirezVillamor, OWWA Bicol/PIA)
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that many of the young people are exploited and treated “unjustly.” A good number of them, he lamented, also live under “abject poverty; others fall victim to drug addiction, child labor and prostitution. The church official said it is high time to give the necessary attention and care that the young Filipinos deserve, as he reiterated that they are the future of the country and of the church. “During this CBCP Year of the Truth, let us together work to intensify awareness about the youth and their importance to the life and activity of the church,” Baylon said. “By our witness let us help the young in our midst—in our homes, schools, communities, etc—to find God in their lives and generously answer His call to service and love,” he added. The prelate also said the celebration will be doubly meaningful because the CBCP commission on youth will mark its 25th anniversary in July 2011. “Let us pray that there may be wider participation and greater dedication in youth ministry, leading to a meaningful and fruitful service that is undertaken with the fullest attention and highest priority in every way by all in the Church,” he said. (CBCPNews)
Naga. Tabora is known for supporting programs aimed at helping the poor. As Ateneo de Naga president, he has steered the university to become a modern and technologically equipped institution in the Bikol region. The University has been given an Autonomous Status, Level 4 Accreditation and named as a Center of Excellence in four fields of expertise. Tabora received his award together with other awardees on December 9, according to the
TOFIL website. The other TOFIL awardees include Dr. Esperanza I. Cabral, Dr. Ray L. Catague, Dr. Isagani R. Cruz, Ms. Shirley Halili-Cruz, and Dr. Anthony C. Leachon. A brainchild of the Philippine Jaycee Senate and supported by Insular Life, the The Outstanding Filipino (TOFIL) Award was institutionalize in 1988 to give recognition to men and women, 41 years of age and over, whose exemplary contribution to society are worthy of emulation. (CBCPNews)
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told him to do and he took his wife to his home. REFLECTION “While Joseph was thinking of putting her away privately, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream.” God speaks to all of us in many ways: Sometimes it is through the voice of others. Sometimes it is in a burst of sudden insight. Sometimes it is through the example of those who are the angels in our own life. Whatever the means, God calls us to our best selves always.
“Joseph, descendant of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. She has conceived by the Holy Spirit, and now she will bear a son. You shall call him ‘Jesus’ for he will save his people from their sins.” All this happened in order to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: The virgin will conceive and bear a son, and he will be called Emmanuel which means: God-with-us. When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had
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13 - 19 december 2010
Valentin E. Pura, under Criminal case no. 2009- 0395. Asst. City Legal Officer, Atty. Imee M. Abardo Estrada, said that Rowena Delos Santos, another city market employee is also charged with a similar malversation case but currently is reported to be at large. Estrada revealed that after the unsolved slaying of Naga market superintendent Francisco Gaspar Ojeda in Aug. 12, 2008, former Naga City Mayor Jesse Robredo ordered an investigation on the book of accounts of the public market. She added that Robredo had tasked a probe committee consisting of the City legal office, the Treasurer and Budget Offices to look into the market revenues and accounts; the probe discovered that huge amounts of cash were lost during the time of Arias In 2009, both Arias and Delos Santos were reportedly dismissed from the City government service after Mayor Robredo slapped them with administrative charges and forfeited all their employment benefits. Estrada also said that the two accused employees have offered to amicably settle the malversation case by payment of the lost
Vox Bikol Bikol news
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Volume XXVIII | Issue no. 30
revenues, but Mayor Robredo reportedly declined the offer and pursued the charges against the two. Meanwhile, Arias’ case has been marred with controversy with police investigators saying that in all probability Ojeda had knowledge of the funds allegedly taken by Arias, and might have been the motive in the former’s slay; however, no sufficient evidence has so far linked Ojeda’s killing to Arias. In the meantime, with the discovery of the lost market revenues, fires had hit the Naga City public market in November 2008, December 2009 and in January 2010.
tion, basic government services and Disaster Risk Reduction ultimately fulfilling the Millennium Development Goal. Based on a two-page Onmibus Appointment Letter forwarded by Secretary Cayetano Paderanga of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Salceda leads the maiden list of RDC chiefs appointed by Aquino. “On behalf of all Bikolanos, I would like to thank P-Noy for the confidence in re-appointing me as RDC chairman of Bicol Region. I humbly accept his challenge to secure economic modernization in prompting real and sustained improvements in the lives of the poor,” Salceda said. Salceda also was immensely pleased as he counts on the current administration to pursue his dreams for an investor-friendly Albay amidst safety for its people
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A spokesman for cockpit-operators who requested anonymity said that an undetermined number of so-called “cockfight workers” who depend on the income of the 33 cockpit arenas risk losing earnings this Christmas with the crackdown on scheduled cockfight games. With the recent crackdown, some local operators have even asked for a Temporary Restraining Order” (TRO) from the RTC under civil case no. 2010-0132. Rogelio B. Celimen, holder of a permit to conduct cockfights and Ricardo B. Magtuto operator of the Camarines Sur Sports Arena, who was given a license by the Sanggunian Bayan of Milaor, Camarines Sur, have questioned in court the sudden police drive under PD 449. Reportedly, Judge Jaime Contreras of the RTC Judicial Region-5 granted a 72-hour “TRO” to Celimen until the case is heard on December 15 this year. The “TRO” was issued after Milaor Police Insp. Chito Oyardo has stopped cockfighting at the Camarines Sur Sports Arena last December 9. Since last week, Ablang had also ordered cockfights to cease at a sports complex in Sangay town, and in an arena in San Antonio Ogbon, Nabua town, all in Camarines Sur. It was also reported that cockpit-operator Mike Julia and his employees at the Nordia Sports Complex in Canaman town were also apprehended by the local
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police for staging cockfights last December 13. The spokesman for the operators noted that with several laws passed on cockfighting like the PD 449, “the Philippine Cockfighting Law” enacted in 1974; the policies set by the now defunct Game Fowl Commission; the enactment of the local Government Code of 1991; provisions on the regulation of cockfighting games in the country have been conflicting with each other. PD 449 required that the Sangguniang Bayan and the mayor issue licenses and permits for commercial cockfights to operate other than Sundays and holidays, according to the spokesman. (SONNY SALES)
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despite the regular typhoons, lahar threats, flash floods, landslides and volcanic eruption because of DRRs that are already in place and are working properly. One of the flagship projects of Salceda is the Southern Luzon International Airport (SLIA) in Alobo, Daraga, Albay which is envisioned to decongest traffic at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport for overseas Filipino workers and tourists in Bicol, the Eastern and Northern Visayas provinces. Among others, the appointees were Victor A. Tanko Sr. for Region-6; Agustin Ramon M. Perdices for Region-7; Carlos Jericho L.Petilla for Region-8; Evelyn T. Uy for Region-9; Lawrence LL. Cruz for Region-10; Sara Duterte for Region-11; Darlene Magnolia Antonio-Custodio for Region-12; and Joel Baac for the Cordellera Administrative Region (CAR). (PNA)
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Next year, over 200,000 more families are being targeted for coverage by the program now named Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) whose nationwide implementation was given a P21-billion appropriation under the government’s 2011 national budget, Remia Tapispisan, the regional director of the DSWD for Bikol on Monday said. “This target may be still a small figure compared to the total number of families in the region that are considered poor but reducing poverty by that number will already create a good impact,” the DSWD regional chief said. Based on the 2007 figures of the National Census and Statistics (NCSO), Bikol had a population of over 5.1 million divided among 1.024 million households, 422,278 of them representing 2.6 million or over half of the total number of regional population classified as poor. The National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) said that Bikol is the second poorest among the 16 regions of the country. A recent report of the News Service of the Philippine Information Agency regional office here said that since the beginning of its implementation in August 2008, the 4Ps had already covered 59 municipalities or 571 barangays of Bikol. The 85,395 families that benefited from the 4Ps in Bikol are in the provinces of Albay with 11,869 families; Camarines Sur, 9,078; Masbate, 52,309; Camarines Norte, 2,026; Catanduanes 1,387 and; Sorsogon, 8,726, it said. This scope of coverage it said will certainly be expanded next year with the approval of the P21 billion budget for the program now being one of the center piece programs of the administration of President Benigno Aquino III. Tapispisan said that the 4Ps has so far paid out a total of P717,855,762.00 to Bikolano beneficiaries as of September 30, this year. Each beneficiary family that complied with the requirements set by the program received a maximum of P21,000 in yearly
DENR Executive Director Joselin Marcus Fragada ordered the Environmental Management Bureau V to continue implementing the “Three-Strike-Policy” on local government units that persist to comply with RA 9003; the NSWMC issued the Three-Strike Policy in May 2008. Fragada said that the department understands that small municipalities lack funds to establish their sanitary land fill (SLF), nevertheless it continues to provide technical assistance to them on alternative means of implementing eco-waste management. “We have to inculcate to the LGUs that they have to comply with the solid waste management law,” Fragada pointed out. EMB Regional Director Fernando Quililan admitted the widespread problem on solid waste management. He revealed that in Bikol, only 50% of local governments complied with the law on solid waste management. “It is high time for LGUs to implement a honest-to-goodness program on solid waste management,” Quililan stressed. Quililan said two erring local governments—San Fernando and Mandaon in Masbate—were already indorsed to the National Solid Waste Management Commission for filing of class suit due to their failure to act on final notice issued by EMB. Based on EMB records, sixty-nine LGUs in Bikol were issued with the first strike notice for non-compliance with Section 37 of RA 9003 last August 27, 2008. With continued non-compliance, three towns in Masbate (San Fernando, Mandaon, Palanas) were issued with final notice on January 26, 2010. Quililan clarified that out of the
three municipalities, only Palanas initiated closure of dumpsite, while the other two were elevated to the NSWMC for appropriate filing of cases. Yesterday, Engr. Nanet Tidon, chief of the Bureau’s Ecological Solid Waste Management Section said 114 LGUs are starting to comply with the eco-waste management law on segregation at source, segregated collection, establishment of materials recovery facilities (MRF), closure/rehabilitation of open/controlled dumpsites and establishment of SLF. According to Tidon, based on EMB regional compliance survey, there are 152 barangays with MRF, one operational SLF in Legazpi City, two SLF under construction in Bato, Camarines Sur and Bato, Catanduanes, 83 open dumpsites, and seven controlled dumps.
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cash assistance representing P6,000 a year or P500 per month for health and nutrition and P3,000 for one school year of 10 months or P300 per month per child for a maximum of three children or a total of P1,400 per month or P15,000 yearly. The 4Ps beneficiaries are the poorest families identified through the use of the Eligibility Check (EC), a statistical formula that estimates household income through the use of proxy variables indicated in the household survey forms, Tapispisan said. She added that the 4Ps is designed to hit the goals set in the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) in the areas of poverty reduction, achieving universal primary education, reducing child mortality, improving maternal health and promoting gender equality and empowering women. The CCT program provides that the beneficiaries comply with certain conditions to be able to maintain and receive the monthly allowance, Tapispisan said. These requirements are as follows: Pregnant mother must avail of pre- and post-natal care and be attended during child birth by a trained health professional; Parents must attend responsible parenthood sessions, mother classes and parent effectiveness seminars; Three to five years old children must attend day care classes or pre-school classes 85 percent of the time; 6-14 years old children must attend elementary and high school classes at least 85 percent of the time and; 6-14 years old children must receive de-worming treatments twice a year, Tapispisan said. Compliance with the requirements of the beneficiaries so far, she added could be rated as satisfactory given that fact that attendances of pregnant mothers to rural health services and responsible parenthood seminars conducted in their respective barangays have been reported to have increased significantly, Tapispisan said. Enrolments in elementary and secondary schools have also increased and the rate of dropouts reduced to very remarkable proportions, she added. (PNA)
Volume XXVIII | Issue no. 30|
Vox Bikol
13 - 19 december 2010
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!
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can’s efforts to position itself as an intermediary with Iran in case an international crisis erupts and stated that in 2007 the Vatican had helped secure the release of British sailors detained in Iranian waters. The cables offered a rare glimpse at Vatican diplomacy in action, but through the lens of the U.S. policy experts who authored the reports. Most of the cables regarding the Vatican were written by officials of the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See, sometimes after personal meetings with Vatican diplomats. The Vatican issued a disclaimer Dec. 11, saying the reliability of the cables must be evaluated carefully and with great prudence. “Naturally these reports reflect the perceptions and opinions of the people who wrote them and cannot be considered as expressions of the Holy See itself, nor as exact quotations of the words of its officials,” it said in a statement. The Vatican said publication of such secret and confidential material was a matter of “extreme seriousness.” The U.S. Embassy to the Vatican repeated its condemnation of the release of classified State Department information and refused to comment on the content or authenticity of the information. The sex abuse scandal in Ireland was treated in a memo dated Feb. 26, 2010, written by Julieta Valls Noyes, the deputy chief of mission at the embassy. She wrote that the Vatican had responded relatively quickly to the revelations of sexual abuse in the Archdiocese of Dublin, in part because it had “learned key lessons” from the U.S. sex abuse scandal in 2002. “Vatican and Irish officials’ first concern was for the victims,” the cable said. But that concern was sometimes overshadowed by the public perception in Ireland that the Vatican was worried about “pettily procedural” matters, it said. Specifically, the Vatican was upset that the independent Murphy Commission that investigated the scandal had sidestepped diplomatic channels and tried to directly convene the Vatican nuncio, or ambassador, to answer questions and obtain other information from the Con-
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gregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The Vatican complained to the Irish Embassy, saying such requests must go through diplomatic channels, and in the end the government decided not to press the Vatican to reply, the cable said. It added that contacts at the Vatican and in Ireland expected the sex abuse crisis to continue for several years, as new allegations from other Irish archdioceses come to light.
13 - 19 december 2010
Vox Bikol notices
Spec Proc. No. 2010-0076 -versusTHE LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR OF NAGA CITY, AND THE NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE, respondents. x--------------------------------x order Filed before this court is a verified petition seeking the correction of some erroneous entries in the record of birth of petitioner Abigael Marcial Andal under Local Civil Registry No. 91-1629 of the Naga City Civil Registry. These entries are: 1. Petitioner’s gender which is incorrectly recorded as male instead of female; and 2. The name Marcial which appears in petitioner’s record of birth as part of her given name is actually the family name of her mother, Yolanda Anyayahan Marcial, and thus must be deleted so that her true and correct name ABIGAEL MARCIAL ANDAL may appear thereon. Finding the petition to be sufficient in form and substance, the same shall be heard by this court on January 25, 2010 at 8:30 o’clock in the morning, at which time and date, all persons who have claim any interest which would be affected thereby may appear and register their opposition thereto. Have this order published once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the province of Camarines Sur. Furnish the Civil Registry Office of Naga City, the National Statistics Office, the Office of the Solicitor General, the City Prosecution Office of Naga City, and the parents of the said petitioner with copies of this order and the instant petition. SO ORDERED. Given this 8th day of November, 2010 at Naga City, Philippines. (sgd.) VAlentin e. PurA, Jr. Presiding Judge republic of the Philippines regionAl triAl Court 5th Judicial region iriga City offiCe of the eXeCutiVe Judge IN RE: PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT AS NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE MUNICIPALITIES OF NABUA, BATO, BUHI, BAAO, BALATAN CAMARINES SUR AND THE CITY OF IRIGA, ADM. CASE NO. IR-120 ATTY. GERARD SIMBULAN PONON, Petitioner. x--------------------------------x IN THE MATTER 0F THE PETITION FOR RENEWAL OF COMMISSION AS NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR THE MUNICIPALITIES OF BAAO, BALATAN, BATO,BUHI, BULA, NABUA CAMARINES SUR AND THE CITY OF IRIGA ADM CASE NO. IR-117 FLORA V. MALATEPANTE, Petitioner. x------------------------------x notiCe of heAring Notice is hereby given that a summary hearing on the petition for appointment as notary public of ATTY. GERARD S. PONON and the petition for renewal of commission as notary public of ATTY. FLORA V. MALATE PANTE, shall be held on December 20, 2010 at 8:30 in the morning at the sala of RTC 36, Iriga City. Any person who has any cause or reason to object to the grant of the petition may file a verified written opposition thereto received by the undersigned before the date of the summary hearing. December 1, 2010, Iriga City, Philippines. (sgd.) tiMoteo A. PAngA, Jr., Acting Executive Judge Vox Bikol: nov. 29, dec 6 and 13, 2010 eXtrAJudiCiAl settleMent of reAl ProPerty With WAiVer of shAre This is hereby given that the estate of the late ANTONIO DELOS SANTOS EBRON died on September 10, 1998 at Naga City, left parcels of land located at Caranan, Pasacao, CSur and Poblacion, Pamplona, CSur to wit: I) TCT No. RT-8013 (21492), an area of 180 sqm., under ARP No. 97-005-0240 with PIN 02626-005-12-057, II) TCT No. T-26898, an area of 204 sqm., under ARP No. 97-005-0303 with PIN 026-26-005-13-020, III) parcel of residential lot, an area of 340 sqm.,, under ARP No. 97-001-01521 with PIN 026-26-001-20-028. This was a subject of Extrajudicial Settlement of Real Property with Waiver of Share in favor unto Jennifer Ebron Alipante; Percival O. Ebron and Antonio O. Ebron. Acknowledged before notary public Leoncio Clemente, per doc. No. 228, Page no. 47, Book no. 196, Series of 2010. Vox Bikol: nov. 29, dec. 6 and 13, 2010 eXtrAJudiCiAl settleMent of reAl ProPerty With WAiVer of shAre This is hereby given that the estate of the late SIXTO P. BARNEDO died on February 22, 1989 at Naga City, left parcel of land located at Caranan, Pasacao, CSur with TCT No. RT-8689 (19464, an area of 180 sqm.,, under ARP No. 97-005-0253 with PIN 026-26-005-12-070. This was a subject of Extrajudicial Settlement of Real Property with Waiver of Share in favor unto Gilbert R. Barnedo, Ivy Sharon B. Bulalacao and Sixto R. Barnedo Jr., Acknowledged before notary public Leoncio Clemente, per doc. No. 229, Page no. 47, Book no. 196, Series of 2010. Vox Bikol: nov. 29, dec. 6 and 13, 2010 eXtrAJudiCiAl settleMent of estAte With WAiVer This is hereby given that the estate of the late ARTHUR L. CARESOSA died on October 13, 1980 at Naga City, onehalf (1/2) conjugal interest to wit: I) TCT No. 10523, with an area of 57 sqm., under TD No. 08-02-0002-00349 PIN 135-02-0002-004-021, II) TCT No. 10523, with an area of 352 sqm., under TD No. 08-02-0002-00347 PIN 135-02-0002-004-020. The residential bldg. constructed on the described lots made of mixed materials declared under TD No. 08-02-000200348 PIN 135-02-0002-004020-100. This was a subject of Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate with Waiver in favor unto Clara G. Caresosa, Acknowledged before notary public Norlito C. Briones, per doc. No. 226, Page no. 41, Book no. VII, Series of 2010. Vox Bikol: nov. 29, dec. 6 and 13, 2010 deed of eXtrAJudiCiAl settleMent of estAte With donAtion of shAres This is hereby given that the estate of the late ESTELA BERNISCA-VELOSO died on February 13, 1979 at Duran, Balatan, CSur left parcel of agricultural land located at San Antonio, Minalabac, CSur with an area of 4 hectares, covered by TD No. 0180030. This Deed was a subject of Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate with Donation of Shares, in favor to Maribeth Bernisca Verdeflor. Acknowledged before notary public Tirso P. Mariano, per doc. No. 3192, Page no. 40, Book no. XXXXII, Series of 2010. Vox Bikol: dec. 13, 20 and 27, 2010
Volume XXVIII | Issue no. 30
eXtrAJudiCiAl settleMent AMong heirs of MAXiMo P. MAtuBis And luCilA reyes MAtuBis With WAiVer This is hereby given that the estate of the late SPS. MAXIMO P. MATUBIS and LUCILA REYES MATUBIS died on January 18, 1989 and July 15, 1982 at Iriga City, left parcel of Residential land located at San Juan, Iriga City, with an area of 629 sqm.,; This was a subject of Extrajudicial Settlement among heirs with Waiver to wit: 1) Nina Matubis-Ibarreta, a) portion of lot 1852,Cad-370, designated as lot 1852-B, an area of 246 sqm., b) portion of lot 1852, Cad-370 designated as lot 1852-c, with an area of 14 sqm., 2) Jocelyn Matubis Pana, portion of cadastral lot 1852,Cad-370 designated as lot 1852-A, with an area of 369 sqm., Acknowledged before notary public Leo Arnel M. Caayao, per doc. No. 854, Page no. 171, Book no. XXVII, Series of 2010. Vox Bikol: nov. 29, dec. 6 and 13, 2010 eXtrAJudiCiAl settleMent of estAte This is hereby given that the estate of the late ELEGIO O. PARIS JR., died on February 14, 2009 at Naga City, left certain properties to wit: Property A, TCT No. 26926 (ROD-CAM SUR); 2) Property B, TCT No. 26913 (RODCAM. SUR), 3) Property C, TD No. 97-003-0092, situated at Poblacion West, Ocampo, CSur, with an area of 439 sqm.,4) Property D, TD No. 97-017-0179, parcel of land, situated at Poblacion, Ocampo, CSur, an area of 15,395 sqm., Property E, TD No. 97-001-0121, parcel of land, situated at Poblacion West, Ocampo, CSur. This was a subject of Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate do hereby divide, partition and adjudicate to wit: (Property A to D to be divide equally among heirs) and Property E to Rosartio C. Paris) Acknowledged before notary public Atty. Crhistie Francis DL. Castro, per doc. No. 1167, Page no. 387, Book no. IX, Series of 2010. Vox Bikol: nov. 29, dec. 6 and 13, 2010 republic of the Philippines regionAl triAl Court fifth Judicial region Branch 23 naga City IN THE MATTER OF THE CORRECTION OF ERRONEOUS ENTRY IN THE CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH OF ABIGAEL MARCIAL ANDAL BY CORRECTING THE GENDER FROM MALE TO FEMALE AND TO DELETE MARCIAL BESIDE HER FIRST NAME, ABIGAEL MARCIAL ANDAL, Petitioner,
republic of the Philippines regionAl triAl Court 5th Judicial region Branch 25, naga City PETITION FOR CORRECTION OF ENTRY IN THE CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH OF MANUEL NAPOD BERJA, MANUEL NAPOD BERJA, Petitioner, SPEC PROC. NO. 2010-0083 -versusTHE LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR OF CANAMAN, CAMARINES SUR Respondent. x--------------------------------x order A verified petition was filed by petitioner MANUEL NAPOD BERJA, through counsel, praying that after hearing, an Order be issued directing the Local Civil Registrar of Canaman, Camarines Sur to correct the entries in his certificate of live birth as follows: Date of Parent’s Marriage From: December 8, 1987 to October 30, 2003 Place of Parent’s Marriage From: Daet, Cam. Norte to Caramoan, Cam. Sur Notice is hereby given that this petition will be heard on FEB. 24, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. before the sala of this Court at which time, date and place, all interested persons are cited to appear and show cause, if any, why this petition should not be granted. Let this Order be published at the expense of the petitioner in a newspaper of general circulation in the Province of Camarines Sur, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks. The Deputy Sheriff of this Court is hereby ordered to cause the posting of this Order at the Bulletin Boards of the Hall of Justice, Naga City, at the Barangay Hall of Sta. Lucia, Magarao, Cam. Sur and at the Office of the Local Civil Registrar, Canaman. Cam. Sur at least one month before the scheduled hearing. Furnish the Office of the Solicitor General, the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office, the National Statistics Office and the Local Civil Registrar of Canaman, Cam. Sur with a copy of this Order, together with the petition and annexes. SO ORDERED. Given this 13th day of December 2010 at Naga City, Philippines. (sgd.) JAiMe e. ContrerAs Presiding Judge
Copy furnished: RTC-OCC Naga City (for raffle publication) Prov’l Prosecutor Office, Naga City-with copy of petition & annexes Solicitor General-Makati City-with copy of petition & annexes Local Civil Registrar-Canaman, Cam Sur-with copy of the petition & annexes National Statistics Office-with copy of petition & annexes For posting (3) Atty. Amador L. Simando Jr. Manuel Napod Berja- Mariner’s Village, Sta. Lucia, Magarao, Cam Sur Vox Bikol: dec. 13, 20 and 27, 2010 republic of the Philippines regionAl triAl Court 5th Judicial region Branch 57 libmanan, Camarines sur PETITION FOR CORRECTION OF ENTRY UNDER RULE 108 OF THE REVISED RULES OF COURT, JUNE JIMENEZ AGRITO, Petitioner, SPEC PROC. NO. L-01707 -versusTHE LOCAL CIVIL REGISTRAR OF LIBMANAN, CAMARINES SUR, Respondent. x--------------------------------x order In this verified petition, petitioner seeks the correction of the clerical error in the record of birth of JUNE JIMENEZ AGRITO as appearing in the office of the Local Civil Registrar of Ragay, Camarines Sur by changing his gender from FEMALE to MALE. Finding the petition to be sufficient in form and substance, let the same be set for initial hearing on February 14, 2011 at 8:30 a.m. All interested persons may appear and show cause, if any, why the petition should not be granted. Let a copy of this Order be published for three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the province. SO ORDERED. GIVEN this 25th day of November, 2010 at Libmanan, Camarines Sur, Philippines (sgd.) irMA isidorA M. BonCodin-ZAMudio Judge Vox Bikol: dec. 13, 20 and 27, 2010
MT 1:18–24
Volume XXVIII | Issue no. 29| 6-12 december 2010
Film on INA holds World Gala Premiere in Naga
AdNU President named Outstanding Filipino awardee
This is how Jesus Christ was born. Mary his vorce her in all secrecy. He was an upright man, and mother had been given to Joseph in marriage but in no way did he want to discredit her. before they lived together, she was found to be pregWhile he was pondering over this, an angel nant through the Holy Spirit. of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, CoNTINUED oN PAGE 4 Then Joseph, her husband, made plans to di-
MAnilA, deC. 18, 2010—A Jesuit priest who is the president of the Ateneo de Naga University was cited by the Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd. and the Philippine Jaycee Senate as one of The Outstanding Filipinos (TOFIL) for 2010. Fr. Joel Tabora, SJ, president of the Ateneo de Naga University was awarded for his dedicated work in uplifting the situation of the poor. Tabora`s dedication to help the poor began during his early days as a parish priest in Payatas, a commitment he carried on to his current post as head of Ateneo de
BAYLON: Church failed in helping youth
MAnilA, dec. 15, 2010— A catholic prelate has admitted that the youth have been sadly abandoned by institutions, including the Church. CBCP’s Commission on Youth Chair Joel Baylon made the admission as the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines formally launched today 2011 as the “Year of the Youth”. “Many of them feel abandoned by the institutions that are supposed to take care of them – the Church included, we must humbly admit,” said Baylon. Baylon, also bishop of Legazpi diocese, noted today’s “sad truth”
nAgA City, deC. 18, 2010—In commemoration of the Tercentenary of the Devotion to Our Lady of Peñafrancia, the Archdiocese of Caceres has produced a film that is expected to promote a fresh perspective to appreciate the popular devotion and the Roman Catholic Church’s teachings on faith, hope and love. The movie is expected to bring the Blessed Mother and her Child Jesus closer into the public consciousness of people of all faiths, here and abroad. Directed by veteran film-
maker Marilou Diaz-Abaya, the movie titled “Ikaw ang Pag-Ibig” features Jomari Yllana, Marvin Agustin, Jaime Fabregas, Ina Feleo and the special participation of Eddie Garcia. The film’s premier showing was held yesterday afternoon at the Universidad de Santa Isabel’s auditorium at the heart of the city; its worldwide release is scheduled in February next year. The story revolves around a young, contemporary, rebellious woman Vangie, (Ina Feleo), whose family life and career as a
video editor are disrupted when her only brother, a newly ordained priest, Fr. Johnny, (Marvin Agustin), is diagnosed of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). As a sibling, Vangie is called upon to be a donor for Fr. Johnny’s bone marrow transplant. At first, Vangie is reluctant. She has a clinical phobia for medical procedures, the reasons for which are rooted in an attempted, but failed, abortion which she suffered through many years earlier and has since been troubled about. Vangie’s dysfunctional family
gravitates around Fr. Johnny, and in their struggle to cope with his illness, find themselves drawn to Ina, begging for her intercession. Their prayers are answered, not so much by way of a miraculous cure for Fr. Johnny, but by the grace of conversion, of love, of forgiveness, reconciliation, and hope. The film was produced with the support of Naga archdiocese’s benefactors and friends and has received the official endorsement of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines. (CBCPNews)
WikiLeaks show Vatican horrified by Irish clergy’s sex abuse
VAtiCAn, deC. 13, 2010 (Cns) -- A spate of U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks portray the Vatican as horrified over clerical sex abuse in Ireland but also deeply concerned that the procedures used by Irish investigators of the scandal were “an affront to Vatican sovereignty.” The cables, released Dec. 10-12, touched on a wide range of issues, from the Vatican’s efforts to deal with leftist governments in Latin America to its recent moves to welcome disaffected Anglicans into the Catholic Church. One cable offered a highly critical assessment of the Vatican’s communications apparatus and said Pope Benedict XVI was surrounded by advisers who make sure dissenting voices are not heard. Another reviewed the Vati-